C25K'ers need an opinion



  • hoskibn
    hoskibn Posts: 86
    Thank you all for the advice, I think I am kicking myself because I stopped and checked the time this morning and that is what threw me off, If I don't check the clock I am good. I think I will repeat Day 3 on Thursday and go from there.
  • jella74
    jella74 Posts: 106 Member
    Okay, I will admit I am NOT a C25K'er but because I've injured myself; this will be my training to get back to my regular running without over doing. That being said, if you didn't actually accomplish a day, I would repeat it until you accomplish it before moving forward. Moving forward means you've accomplished all that is behind you and you're ready to add on....you're not. You could even go back and start the week over. There is no shame in repeating steps or weeks; your body/fitness level just isn't there yet. If you advance when your not ready, you could wind up hurting yourself and then you won't be doing anything at all or be starting from scratch...don't do that. Listen to your body and repeat until you have that fitness level to move to the next week. You can do it! I know you can!!

  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    One of the most mixed set of opinion threads I think I've seen outside of a "starvation mode, myth or real" thread :)

    I think the reason for the mixed opinions is because either way will absolutely work. As you're already finding out, the body is massively adaptive to training, though arguably we adapt at a different pace. Whatever option you pick is going to work out - personally I'd go ahead to the next week because it is a different set of workouts as I recall (no repeat of the 20 mins right?) and if I couldn't manage that then I'd know I had moved forward too soon and then I'd go back. I really doubt that's going to happen though.

    I would agree with something Berry said about slowing down a little. The pace will come later - I should confess I absolutely did the opposite of that myself and learnt the right way later.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Repeat the entire week and go much, much slower than before. Once you've got the duration, the speed will come naturally.

    Listen to Berry :smile:
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I agree with the slowing down... if you can't run 20 min at a 10min mile pace then slow it down to a 14 min mile pace.... and you will be able to run it !!

    You need to slow down the pace until you can go the distance... distance/time matters most...pace will pick up as you get stronger and build that cardio base. It could take months to get back to a 10 min mile...but thats OK