Newbie after Bariatric Surgery

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself and maybe find some pals to help me through my weight loss journey.

I'm 38 years old and am a newlywed (Nov 2011) with a 12 year old son. I am going back to college full time in September to get my associates degree is Liberal Arts and possibly go on to get my Bachelor's in Literature.

My highest weight was 307 pounds. I had gastric sleeve surgery in March of this year and am now down to 246 pounds. My weight loss is starting to slow and I wanted to do something to help jump start my loosing again. I have been getting lazy and not being diligent about my portion sizes and food choices and I have always been terrible about exercise. I know paying attention to both will help get me back on track.

I've seen some great posts while learning the forum and hope to get help from others and be able to help someone in turn.

Looking forward to hearing more about other people's individual stories.


  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Hello and welcome. :) Hope this site helps you and good luck.