How to get hubby to work out?!

kookla33 Posts: 234
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
My husband is not motivated to exercise. Any ideas on how I can help him?


  • Luludog1
    Luludog1 Posts: 119
    Yeah...I need advice on this, too.
  • make it fun?? tennis, volleyball, dancing lessons.....if he's competitive at all, then tell him you'll have competitions with him! :D
  • Find out what activities he likes. I always tried to get my husband to walk/jog with me. He would reluctantly go every once in awhile. I found out later he doesn't like jogging, but he loves riding a bike. So, we brought the bikes out from storage and we switch off from riding bikes (not my favorite thing) and jogging (not his favorite thing). That way we both get to do what we like.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    My husband is not motivated to exercise. Any ideas on how I can help him?
    Is your husband looking for you to help motivate him to exercise, or is he just not interested?
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    First, he's got to want to do it! Unfortunately, there is nothing you can say or do that will motivate him. (If he's like I was). What did it for me was when my doctor said to me at my annual physical upon showing him a picture of my new granddaughter: "Do you want to be around to play with your granddaughter in 10 years?" "Of course!" I said. He then replied: "Well, you'd better start doing something about your weight, then" Wow! That was like being sucker-punched in the stomach! He was talking about my mortality!

    That, unfortunately, did more than anything that my wife had ever said or done.

    Maybe if you mentioned my story to him it might help but he has to want to lose the weight. It does have an effect on his life. Maybe not right away, but it will make hsi life longer and better.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Could anybody make you work out if you didn't want to? It has to come from within
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Thanks for the help guys. I can get him to go on walks with the family, and bike rides too, but he is not motivated unless I am working out with him. I would love it if he would just go for a jog on his own, or go to the gym of his own motivation.

    A lot of my friends say their husbands are the same way.

    It frustrates me because he often complains about being tired and not feeling energetic. I know it has to come from him, I just want it so bad for him.

    He is still lucky enough to be in pretty decent shape and maybe only a few pounds overweight. But both his parents are overweight. He sees his Dad and says he doesn't want to look like him, but he still doesn't work out.

    Aside from helping him be healthier--It's just so much more attractive to me when he's lifting weights and working up a sweat! I'm sure lots of women like me out there can relate.:smile:
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