Starting Today -- One Day at a Time

Hi Everyone! I found this site through Fitbit (which is the coolest little gadget ever!). I need to lose some serious weight and I have not been able to stick to anything more than a couple of days. I am in serious need of discipline and I have no excuses.

I just bought an elliptical trainer in hopes of getting in 10,000 steps a day. I am ordering healthy food from a local service. I have every reason to succeed but for whatever reason, I constantly sabotage my efforts. If I lose a few pounds, I feel I deserve an reward -- always in the form of something that will put the weight right back on. I just feel so hopeless -- and I can't see myself losing weight because I keep repeating this destructive pattern.

I'm happy to find this forum. I'm sure it will help keep me motivated by following your successes and finding that I'm not alone and others struggle too.

Best of luck!!


  • L1saJW
    L1saJW Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. I've been a member for a few months now but have not tried properly. Your message struck a cord with me - I too keep sabotaging myself with a destructive pattern - and don't know why!!

    I'm intending to start again tomorrow and wish you all the best with your journey. Please add me as a friend if you wish.
  • MsSasafras
    MsSasafras Posts: 21 Member
    Please be free to add me :)
    I am 33 and I weigh about 125. I'm trying to tone and be healthy! I need all the support and motivation as possible. I have been trying to do this for the past year and I do great for about 2 weeks then give up and Im tired of doing that. I just found out my dad has a rare kind of colon cancer at the age 57 and I have been very depressed about that. I have now sucked it up and realized its time to get healthy and fit. Life it too short to have regrets or ifs and buts! Please add me!!
  • Sounds like your off to a great start. :flowerforyou:
  • owski17
    owski17 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi there!
    Hoping you will be able to find new rewards that don't include food! And I definitely suggest having before pictures handy they help me greatly when I feel like Im going nowhere!

    Good luck to you:)
  • You can do it! I just started last week. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other with motivation and support.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    It sounds like you are going to be very successful this time. You know what to do and have the tools to do it. You have come to the right place for support. MFP has helped me and you are going to do great! Please feel to add me as a friend. Best of luck to everyone.
  • debronjon
    debronjon Posts: 13 Member
    I am with you. I need to lose over 100 pounds. Instead of focusing on the scale, I am trying to focus on logging every day. And I mean - every day! Good day or bad day! And I am vowing to reward myself with a manicure or pedicure or anything else that will help me to feel good about myself. I've been consistently logging for the past 21 days and am down 11 pounds. Not bad for three weeks, but like I said...more proud that I have kept up with the logging. Feel free to add me as a friend and best of luck! We can do this!
  • This is a great site for support and "One Day at a Time" is a great thing to keep in mind. If you have not as a good of a day it doesn't ruin all of your efforts, you just move on and know that tomorrow is another day and you can do better. It is very helpful to track everything so you can see where you are falling off track or what some of your cycle/habits are and how to control/manage them.

    Good luck to you and there are a lot of people on here who want to support and be helpful. Feel free to add me! We're all here learning to adopt and enjoy a healthy lifestyle...welcome!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Sounds like you know what's blocking you from success... YOU! I do it too, everyone does or did at one point. NO worries. You can do it. I found it very helpful to set very specific goals for your progress. And really stick to it.

    2 lbs lost - 30 minute walk at sunset with my ______ (significant other, best friend, partner, kids, you name it)
    5 lbs lost - manicure
    10 lbs lost - pedicure
    25 lbs lost - three new outfits
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    One way to change a habit is by replacing it with another. Instead of rewarding yourself with food, reward yourself with something else you want.

    You favorites foods are ok to have in moderation, just dont over do it. Sometimes people restrict too much too fast, and thats why it is harder to stick it out.
  • fablevins
    fablevins Posts: 111 Member
    good choice with the elliptical! You can get some serious calorie burn with that while watching something fun. I've found the more I exercise the happier I am, so I don't need food rewards. Congrats on getting started! :smile:
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm in a similar boat so we could support each other!
  • stefwi2000
    stefwi2000 Posts: 44 Member
    I have the fitbit also and I love it. I feel that you made a great choice joining MFP. It has helped me lose 31 pounds since June 14th. I will be part of your support team if you add me as your friend. I am on a one year goal. I started at 314 pounds and I want to be 185. Lets do this together.


  • Well, you have taken an important and critical big first step in the right direction. Being able to take a hard look at yourself and understand why you haven't been successful in the past is key, and joining this site also shows your serious about making changes.

    I have been here almost a year and was doing great until I got derailed. Work family and then an injury all seemed to be convenient excuses, and I totally can look back on a pattern of sabbotage that I commonly refer to as "WEEKENDS"

    I can stick to a routine through the work week but always fell back when Friday hit as I rewarded myself or felt a cheat day was deserved ??!?
    Feel free to add me I typically log in daily an would love to help support. I am hoping to lost 20 pounds by my Birthday in late October,....taking it one day at a time.
  • Good Afternoon All:
    I just started 5 days ago, and have already lost 4 lbs. Please take it from someone who has tried many different methods to lose weight, I have never felt more sure something was going to work for me like this site does. I enjoy all of the positive reinforcement from other users and am learning many different new ways to eat a much healthier diet. For the first time, I can picture myself much fitter and healthier. I wish you luck with your journey!! Take it one day at a time and don't get discouraged : )
  • stefwi2000
    stefwi2000 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Everyone! I found this site through Fitbit (which is the coolest little gadget ever!). I need to lose some serious weight and I have not been able to stick to anything more than a couple of days. I am in serious need of discipline and I have no excuses.

    I just bought an elliptical trainer in hopes of getting in 10,000 steps a day. I am ordering healthy food from a local service. I have every reason to succeed but for whatever reason, I constantly sabotage my efforts. If I lose a few pounds, I feel I deserve an reward -- always in the form of something that will put the weight right back on. I just feel so hopeless -- and I can't see myself losing weight because I keep repeating this destructive pattern.

    I'm happy to find this forum. I'm sure it will help keep me motivated by following your successes and finding that I'm not alone and others struggle too.

    Best of luck!!

    I have the fitbit also and I love it. I feel that you made a great choice joining MFP. It has helped me lose 31 pounds since June 14th. I will be part of your support team if you add me as your friend. I am on a one year goal. I started at 314 pounds and I want to be 185. Lets do this together. I am at 283 now. My goal was set for 30 pounds and when I reached it I took a trip to Mall of America first class with my husband. My next goal is to lose 20 more by Halloween so that I can buy a new pair of walking shoes. NIke


  • You're not alone on this journey. I too have a great deal of weight to lose and have recently joined MFP. I find that when I see the amount of weight I have to lose I feel overwhelmed. It really is one day at a time though, and having the courage to take that first step. I have been on both ends of the scale. I have been to my goal weight before so I know it's possible. As others have said, add me if you like and we can offer support to each other. All the best to you.
  • Sounds like you have come to the realization we all have at some point, congratulations! I too have a fitbit and LOVE it! One day at a time is the best way to look at everything. I love the suggestions of a reward system other than food, I've been rewarding myself with new kitchen gadgets. I love to cook and am discovering new ways to cook my favorites to lower calories. Feel free to add me!
  • superstarrr123
    superstarrr123 Posts: 15 Member
    HI! I can totally relate to the self-sabotage you're talking about. I find it really difficult to take responsibility for the decisions I make (like eating poorly). I find myself making excuses and even those around me such as friends and family are quick to blame things like stress, moving to a new city, etc. for my weight gain while in reality I make CHOICES that impact my health and weight. I make the CHOICE to eat junk food, I make the CHOICE to not work out....It's really hard for me to not only realize this but comprehend it and take responsibility. I would love to be your friend or anyone else that is looking for support ( I myself would love to feel not so alone in this journey). This is my first post ever and I hope I'm making sense, I'm not the best writer in the world! haha Best of luck to you and everyone xoxoxo
  • Dws2003
    Dws2003 Posts: 9 Member
    I am not new to this site but I decided to get serious. It helps knowing that there are other people out in the world who have the same issues as you BUT are also TRYING very hard to win to bulge battle. I want to loose a total of 86lbs and I am determined to do it. Anybody in need of some encouraging words, here you go "YOU CAN AND WILL DO IT!" Stay encouraged and we are all here to help each other. : )