how do you use coconut oil in your recipes?

I really want to start using coconut oil more & more in recipes and would love to hear from those who already use it on how you've incorporated it into your recipes.



  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I love to put it in my oatmeal.
    I don't know much but i'm sure you can use it just like olive oil.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I use it in my protein smoothies. It makes for a very silky texture and adds a touch of coconut flavor.
  • Those are awesome recommendations! I never thought of putting it in my oatmeal OR smoothies and I have oatmeal or a smoothie everyday! :)
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I LOVE cooking with coconut oil. I will melt it in the microwave and drizzle it on my chicken then season with fresh herbs and bake in the oven. My husband is convinced I make the best chicken in the world. Use it on all my meats that way. Also use it to scramble eggs instead of olive oil. It's delicious.
  • Where do you find coconut oil, and can I substituted it from my cooking oil?
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Probably not a good idea to post this, but I use it in my frosting.
    Yum yum

    Never thought of using it anywhere else
  • I haven't used it, but I recommend you read The Yummy Life blog. She is very knowledgeable about coconut oil and many other things related to heathful eating. This is a post about her using it to make homemade popcorn in many flavors, but she uses it in other ways too.

  • Thanks everyone! And I'll check out the blog! I bought my coconut oil online at, but I'm guessing if you're lucky enough to have a Whole Foods near you, you can get it there.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I use it in my protein smoothies. It makes for a very silky texture and adds a touch of coconut flavor.

    Not sure if you'll see this, but how do you add it to your smoothies? I tried adding a bit to one of mine once and it came together like a congealed mess. The texture was disgusting and I had to choke it down. I'm sure I did something wrong, but I didn't even use close to a TBSP in it.
  • mcdermor
    mcdermor Posts: 18 Member
    You can put a bit into the liquid when you cook rice. It's good for sauteing shrimp.

    FYI for those new to coconut oil - it has a melting point of 76F. That means that in a lot of households, it will be the consistency of shortening at room temperature. Which might explain why it made one poster's smoothie congeal.

    For you parents, it's also a wonderful replacement for diaper cream. Our daughter has sensitive skin, and coconut oil works great, and it's safe for cloth diapers.

    We got ours on Amazon.