New and Need some motivation big time!

Hello everyone, I finally decieded to become part of the community instead of just being an onlooker. in the last 6 months ive gained 25lbs, im miserable. This summer being the bulk of the weight gain. Im very active at the gym for hours a day (Im off for the summer and BORED) Which has been a huge detour in my healthy lifestyle. My problem seems to be that i know what healthy is I do it for a while i dont see results so of course no matter how stupid i know it is, i binge eat, then crash diet...and the cycle begins! This summer alone i gone for 160 to 179 many times! The last 2 weeks i have done really well not binge eating and eating between 1200 and 1600 however i didnt see a drop at all. Im just flat depresssed i hate the way i feel, i hate the way i look i dont even want to go out anymore. I need to get a hold of this, the healthy way, And learn to look at food in a healthy way. Any feedback is welcome!