Does anyone have Lupus?

jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
When I was prego with my 2nd I developed a blood clot. It turned out that I have Lupus anticoagulent and an elevated factor 5. My doctor said it was very likely that I had Lupus considering all my other symptoms. I was wondering if anyone else had it and could tell me more about it and how it can affect my weightloss journey.


  • I don't have it but my sister has systematic which affects her organs. I know that it affects her by being very tired and she has trouble losing weight. She has a thyroid problem on top of that which makes it difficult for her to lose weight as well. She has pain in her joints and her body aches a lot so she needs to pay attention to her body when she works out as to not over do it and cause more problems. I would get more information from your doctor and listen to them when organizing a workout plan. Other then that you should be able to workout and have a successful weight loss journey. My sister lost over 100 lbs and is still losing.
  • Thanks. I know anything is possible.
  • I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2008.

    Lupus at weight loss don't go nicely together. Lupus patients are often prescribed Prednisone, which has nasty side effects like increased appetite and rapid weight gain.

    Some patients have to be on it often or all the time.

    I don't like to take it, but when I am having a painful flare, it helps so much by taking care of the inflammation. You feel so much better on it.

    I recently bought the Lupus Recovery Diet. It recommends a vegan diet, minus a few things that can trigger lupus flares. I have only been doing it for two weeks, but so far so good. Hopefully it will keep my flares to a minimum. There is no cure for Lupus.

    Anti-inflammatory diets are also recommended from other sources. I lost weight previously with Anti-Inflammatory diet.

    Stay away from Alfalfa sprouts. That is one food idea that just about every source that I read says can cause flares.

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2008.

    Lupus at weight loss don't go nicely together. Lupus patients are often prescribed Prednisone, which has nasty side effects like increased appetite and rapid weight gain.

    Some patients have to be on it often or all the time.

    I don't like to take it, but when I am having a painful flare, it helps so much by taking care of the inflammation. You feel so much better on it.

    I recently bought the Lupus Recovery Diet. It recommends a vegan diet, minus a few things that can trigger lupus flares. I have only been doing it for two weeks, but so far so good. Hopefully it will keep my flares to a minimum. There is no cure for Lupus.

    Anti-inflammatory diets are also recommended from other sources. I lost weight previously with Anti-Inflammatory diet.

    Stay away from Alfalfa sprouts. That is one food idea that just about every source that I read says can cause flares.


    Not to hijack the post - but like another poster, my sister has lupus. I haven't heard of the Lupus Recovery Diet. Is it sold in book form?
  • When I was prego with my 2nd I developed a blood clot. It turned out that I have Lupus anticoagulent and an elevated factor 5. My doctor said it was very likely that I had Lupus considering all my other symptoms. I was wondering if anyone else had it and could tell me more about it and how it can affect my weightloss journey.

    I am like you and have an elevated fatcor V, I also have the positive Lupus Anticoagulant, but to add to it I also have another one called MTHFR . All of which are blood clotting risks. My mother died of a blood clot in 1990. Unfort. they did not start testing for this (from what I hear) until the early to mid 90's. My doctor's also figure I have lupus also (just can't do a FIRM dx because of another blood test not coming back strong enough positive. But from what they say it might never do so, and I could still have Lupus. I have many factors for blood clots.
    1. I am over weight
    2. I have Factor V Leiden (Infertility)
    3. I have Crohn's Disease
    4. I have MTHFR gene mutation (also a risk factor in infertility, and Schizophrenia)
    5. Positive Lupus Anticoagulant
    6. I smoke cigerettes
    7. Had a parent die of Thrombosis (blood clot)
    8. Have had and continulously have lots of surgical procedures
    One through eight put me at a great risk for devloping a blood clot and it being potentially deadly for me. I have been put on blood thinners (Lovenox injections) daily combined with one 81mg aspirin daily. Blood thinners injections are mainly sodium injections (can you say fluid retention?) Also for many people with just one or two risk factors they are given baby aspirin, for those with three or four factors they are put on blood thinners alone. ME on the other hand, even if I quit smoking and lost weight, would still be on both because of the amount of problems.
  • I picked up the Lupus Recovery Diet book on Amazon.
  • Dreams, When they are doing my blood tests, they are looking at the Sed rate or sedimentation rate. Often when I am feeling bad that is elevated. You might able to have a blood test ordered and have it on stand by, so that when you have a certain day that you feel bad, that you go to the lab then, because it is already pre-ordered and get your lab done on your bodies schedule.

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