Is a cheap HRM a false economy?

Hi all, I'm trying to exercise more and I'm thinking an HRM might give me a bit of motivation by showing me the cals burning off. I'm wondering if it's essential to buy a good one straight away. I don't want anything complicated and I don't want to shell out a fortune for something that will possibly not get used more than once or twice a week. My question is really, is a cheaper HRM still accurate and will it fall apart the first time I use it? I don't mind buying another, better, one in a year or so if this one breaks (assuming I actually use it) but I'm worried that I'll be wasting money in the first place on something that will give incorrect information.


  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I have the Polar FT4 and is the cheaper of the Polar models and is not cheaply made.

    The cheaper ones just don't have all the fancy bells and whistles. This one is basic and that is all I needed so I can gauge my cal burn during a workout and monitor heart rate on runs.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I used to work with Polar at my last job. They are the most accurate and the cheapest place to buy them is Amazon. They are the best out there...worth saving for even if it takes a while!
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    From everyone I know, you get what you pay for... those who have bought really cheap models have either said they don't work well or end up being quickly replaced. Personally, I think you would be better off looking at a Polar FT4 - which can be found for about $60 ( and you can typically get another 5% off by using the coupon code "POPO".

    It is a great entry level HRM that will last, is accurate, and comes from one of the most reliable companies that are out there. I've had great customer service from both Bodytronics and Polar for the three HRMs I have bought through them.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
  • Tigiface
    Tigiface Posts: 5 Member
    I have a cheap ( $40) one that is a wrist watch style and doesnt have the chest monitor. For me, it does the job fine. I have had it for about 4 months and I use it on my walk daily- it is also a pedometer . I like it because I can keep track of my heart rate ( finger touch) to see if I am burning more, it also tells my distance, speed and calories burned. Pretty cool for a cheap one. Is it as accurate as a Polar or the other name brands? I doubt it. But for my needs- it is great and it has encouraged me to walk faster.
  • kemmy45
    kemmy45 Posts: 59
    From everyone I know, you get what you pay for... those who have bought really cheap models have either said they don't work well or end up being quickly replaced. Personally, I think you would be better off looking at a Polar FT4 - which can be found for about $60 ( and you can typically get another 5% off by using the coupon code "POPO".

    It is a great entry level HRM that will last, is accurate, and comes from one of the most reliable companies that are out there. I've had great customer service from both Bodytronics and Polar for the three HRMs I have bought through them.

    This.... love my polar ft4 and I got mine from bodytronics got it in 3 days.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I have the Polar FT4 and love what it can do for me. I have it set for my target high heart rate and it helps me keep a pace up as needed to approach my goal heart rate. It's great as well for watching the calories roll up as I work out. has some good deals.
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    Don't get the cheapest thing you find and stick with established brands because of their reliability. I just replaced my old Polar with a newer Polar Wearlink. No watch and it logs everything on my Android (it works on iPhone too). They are around 50 bucks and work great.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    I wouldn't trust the cheaper HRMs. The Polar FT4 as others have recommended is great and not too expensive. Most importantly I've found it to be accurate and well made.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Make sure you at least get one with a chest strap
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Hi there

    I have a cheap one but it's not very good, it doesn't monitor very well.

    However this week I've been researching the best ones and looking around at prices.

    The best one seems to be the Polar FT4, it has good reviews, seems easy to use and prices range from around £40-£70 on Amazon and EBay.

    I've been really cheeky and messaged people who have auctions running and offered them a price.
    Just managed to get a good price off someone too

  • chelljo12
    chelljo12 Posts: 187 Member
    I bought a Proform monitor with chest belt and it works well, actually got if for about $30 from HSN, they still have them on sale.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I have the Polar FT4 and is the cheaper of the Polar models and is not cheaply made.

    The cheaper ones just don't have all the fancy bells and whistles. This one is basic and that is all I needed so I can gauge my cal burn during a workout and monitor heart rate on runs.

  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I had a DIRT cheap plyo one. I checked it against my more expensive watch one AND an MD reading. Same HR results. The difference is the durability. Sometimes, I can't get a reading. I have to adjust the strap more often than I would like. In retrospect, I would say go middle of the road.

    The watch version is AWESOME but doesn't provide constant contact readings.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    There is cheap and there is inexpensive - nothing wrong with inexpensive (like a Polar FT4 or FT7).
  • navygunner
    navygunner Posts: 36 Member
    I bought a "cheap" and ended replacing it with a not so expensive well made unit. I have a Polar FT4 and it has given me outstanding service. Like BrianSharpe said in his post, there is cheap (stay away from those) and there is inexpensive. I would recommend one with a strap.
  • annasara21
    annasara21 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I was looking at a Timex one that was about £30, but I can get an FT4 for about £20 more so I think I'll just go for it, you've persuaded me!

    Great advice MFPs :)
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I have a POlat FT4 and love it!! Its the cheapest and simplist of their line.... but still ran me $75 bucks on Amazon. However, it is GREAT quality.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    They tested an elite athlete with a properly set-up top-end Polar HRM to see how accurate the calories burned were.

    At the lower end of the max HR %, the HRM was off by about 8% and at intense activity, it was off by 16%.

    Any reading you get from an HRM is going to be off, regardless of how good it is, but it'll still be better than the estimates MFP gives you.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I was looking at a Timex one that was about £30, but I can get an FT4 for about £20 more so I think I'll just go for it, you've persuaded me!

    Great advice MFPs :)

    Great choice! X