I'm back..

So, I have decided to come back. :) I'd love some new friends! I'm 21 years old. In my last year of college. I am hoping this time around will be better. I'm going to keep making small term goals. :)


  • sensored44
    sensored44 Posts: 45 Member
    Heh... THat's what I have had to do this time around.. small non scale value goals.. Welcome back, and Here's to you doing well as you hope *raises bottle of water*
  • SnuggieMeeko
    SnuggieMeeko Posts: 68 Member
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! Don't worry about last time, just know this time will be different :)
  • I set small goals as well. So far I've lost 14 and my goal is 7 more then re-evaluate, probably 10 more after that. Good luck. Add me is you would like positive support from a motherly type.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,307 Member
    What made you stop last year? If you really seriously examine what happened, it may help you this time.

    Did you have a bad week and decide you couldn't do it?

    Did some big emotional event happen and you had a bad week and decided you couldn't do it?

    Was there a week of stress and.....you had a bad week......etc.......or a party, and you overate and gave up?

    Did you not believe it was possible?

    Did you feel un-supported in your goals?

    All kinds of things side-track people. But it shouldn't be a reason to quit. No one is perfect.

    I'm not looking for you to answer me, but rather to examine why you didn't continue the fight the last time.
  • SnuggieMeeko
    SnuggieMeeko Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you everyone :) I plan to do much better this time. :)))
  • SnuggieMeeko
    SnuggieMeeko Posts: 68 Member
    I'd really like some friends. :) Add me!
  • owski17
    owski17 Posts: 52 Member
    good luck this time around!!
  • roxinronni
    roxinronni Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like, I'm looking for support and motivation myself as I started up again about a week ago.

    Good Luck :)