30 Day Shred Now or Later??

So I'm seriously thinking about doing 30 Day Shred. I keep reading posts about ppl loving the program; even my best friend loves it & is seeing great results. Here's my problem, I'm a single mom and w/ working, going to the gym 3 times a week (where I do wt training & am presently in the middle of c25k) & taking my 3yr old & home I just don't know if I have the stamina for it! lol I've done yoga in the evenings on my non-gym days but I have been toying w/ the idea of switching it to 30DS. I know you're supposed to do it everyday but would it really matter if I did it every other? Should I just hold off until I complete C25K?


  • Takarameri
    Takarameri Posts: 152 Member
    Your results might be a bit slower but I don't see any reason why you couldn't do 30DS every other day.
  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    I'll be honest, when I first started doing 30DS I couldn't do it every day anyway. My legs were all sore and rubbery. So do it as often as you can. Better than nothing :)
  • jessisnapp
    Well first of all there seems to be a big misconception about the program. You do not actually do it 30 consecutive days. If you sign up on Jillian's website it says that you need one day of at least 30 minute cardio a week and rest 2 days. I currently run for 2 miles a day minus two days of rest but I also do the 30 day shred in addition to that. It works well with Jillian's meal plan also. Plus I have a 3 year old who tries to join in with me when I do the workout! I love it.
  • viad25720
    viad25720 Posts: 57 Member
    I plan to do 30 day shred myself. My current plan is for the first month of my lifestyle change (diet is a poisonous incorrect word for myself) I am just walking at a pace that keeps my heart rate at about 130+, for an hour, and doing Comcast on demand workouts which are pretty hard depending upon what u pick 4/5 days a week. I need to get used to doing all this. Then at my month mark I'd like to start 30 day shred with jogging few days a week, and still 2 days off a week. Probably will take me about 45 days. Then i wana do power 90, and see where I am at. I surely won't be done, but this is where i am starting. I hope to get to the point one day that i can do insanity!