Going over my sugar limit with my fruit intake



  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    It depends on you. Some people have medical reasons for limiting all sugar even if it is in fruit. If you do not have a medical reason and choose to eat more then 2-3 servings then why not if it fits. I wouldn't forgo veggies for more fruit as veggies have vitamins that you need as well and in different quantities then fruit.

    If you live in cold part of country like me, then you need to take advantage of fruit while you can as soon it will be too expensive or taste like wood.
  • happythermia
    I eat the hell out of fruit and I'm losing just fine.

    If you feel like it's making you stall, then cut back. Otherwise, enjoy!
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I don't see a huge amount of fruit in your diary. I'd be way more worried about the donut, strawberry milkshake, hot dog, cheese fries etc.There is no reason to eliminate fruit from your diet. It is full of vitamins and fiber. Just eat well balanced meals and cut out the refined sugar.
    Like I said in my OP, I haven't been very good with my food intake prior to the last 3 days and I'm well aware that I was eating too much over the weekend. The last few days though, I have been eating more fruit. For instance today, I would have consumed 45g of sugar from fruits when my target that has been put in by MFP is 25.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    It depends on you. Some people have medical reasons for limiting all sugar even if it is in fruit. If you do not have a medical reason and choose to eat more then 2-3 servings then why not if it fits. I wouldn't forgo veggies for more fruit as veggies have vitamins that you need as well and in different quantities then fruit.

    If you live in cold part of country like me, then you need to take advantage of fruit while you can as soon it will be too expensive or taste like wood.

    It's winter over here so lots of kiwis (which I love!), mandarins and pears for now.
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    I also am watching my sugar intake. It was easy getting the salt down, compared to the sugar (Type 2 is in my family also).

    As mentioned above, its the rate that sugar is absorbed that is important. The topic can get quite complex, when you consider what other nutrients can do to the insulin balance and other metabolic pathways.

    Simple rule of thumb "seems to be" eat natural sugars in a form that has lots of fiber, as the fiber causes the sugar (mono or di-saccharides) to be absorbed into the blood stream slower.
  • seashman
    seashman Posts: 51
    Generally the type of sugar you want to avoid is added sugar. Unless you're diabetic or have some other medical issue, there's no real reason to limit naturally occurring sugars, such as those found in fruit. MFP doesn't have the capacity to differentiate between naturally occurring sugars and added sugar, so you just need to keep an eye on it yourself. (:
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    Well if it makes you feel any better, we share >98% of the same DNA with chimpanzees....and they are frugivores, or "fruit eaters". So I don't really see fruit sugar as a big problem unless you are diabetic. I go over my sugar allowance by 10-15 grams, but it is all fruit sugar and not cane or other processed sugar. So I wouldn't worry about it unless you are not losing weight or you are over your calorie allowance.

    From ipzoosites.org:

    The chimpanzee diet consists mainly of fruit (48%), but they also eat leaves and leaf buds (25%), and around 27% of their diet consists of a mixture of seeds, blossoms, stems, pith, bark and resin. Chimpanzees are highly specialized frugivores and preferentially eat fruit, even when it is not abundant. They supplement their mainly vegetarian diet with insects, birds, birds' eggs, honey, soil, and small to medium-sized mammals

    In fact, according to some, we are born fruit eaters!:

  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys! I'll keep at my fruit intake and if it hinders my weight loss, I'll cut down.
  • mimina578
    Yep! Definately dont take fruit out of the equation, no one is really wrong, but go after low sugar fruits such as berries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, etc. some stone fruit like plums and peaches, and remember the riper the fruit, the more sugar it has... :wink:
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    I used to worry about my sugar from fruit as well, but then I figured, I cut out all/most of the processed sugars, so since the fruit sugars are natural, no biggie. I took that column out of MFP, and now I concentrate on lowering my sodium instead :)
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    My eating habits are (excuse me, were) so bad that I cannot let the sugar in fruit bother me. If I don't eat fruit, I will eat chocolate, or cake, etc. The sugar in fruit is a much better choice.
  • kmhenry84
    kmhenry84 Posts: 96 Member
    I eat more than one fruit each day and I'm still losing. But I do balance it with veggies. I've just set my goal to have 5 servings of any combo of fruits and veggies per day. I don't make it every day, but I sure try.

    I have to admit that I'm not sure what a lot of the foods in your diary are, but you sure didn't seem to have too many. I have more than that. As stated earlier, fruit gives you the fiber you need, and helps to kick back sweet cravings, and its natural, it's not a processed sugar.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Well if it makes you feel any better, we share >98% of the same DNA with chimpanzees....and they are frugivores, or "fruit eaters". So I don't really see fruit sugar as a big problem unless you are diabetic. I go over my sugar allowance by 10-15 grams, but it is all fruit sugar and not cane or other processed sugar. So I wouldn't worry about it unless you are not losing weight or you are over your calorie allowance.

    From ipzoosites.org:

    The chimpanzee diet consists mainly of fruit (48%), but they also eat leaves and leaf buds (25%), and around 27% of their diet consists of a mixture of seeds, blossoms, stems, pith, bark and resin. Chimpanzees are highly specialized frugivores and preferentially eat fruit, even when it is not abundant. They supplement their mainly vegetarian diet with insects, birds, birds' eggs, honey, soil, and small to medium-sized mammals

    In fact, according to some, we are born fruit eaters!:

    Love it!!!!
  • orangePillow
    I would love to look like a Chimpanzee.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It would be pretty stupid to avoid fruits for health reasons unless you're a professional body builder or model looking for a 4% body fat. Fruits have been associated with leaness, increased life-span, and multiple other health benefits. Mammals have been eating fruits for millions and millions of years. Fruits actually played a big part in the evolution of mammals.
  • MamaDuckN2MamaWow
    MamaDuckN2MamaWow Posts: 31 Member
    From what I have been reading in my research about sugar intake, a 50g. daily intake is healthy for a woman. Just continue to choose natural sugar sources, aka fruit, instead of processed sugar, and you shouldn't have any issues.