"and was under her calorie goal..."



  • alison0511
    Funny thing is that yesterday, I met my calories EXACTLY (first time ever!), and was a bit miffed that I didn't get some sort of "congratulatory" type message. No "and was under..." - nothing. :grumble:

    Totally agree! No "has MET their calorie goal" praise?? Isn't that what we're on here trying to do?

    I think this too happened to me ONCE, and if I remember right, was the 0 in red?? I'm not sure, but I feel like it was and remember feeling like I wanted to burn a couple calories just to make it green again. Lol that's messed up!

    I've been doing a lot better at ignoring it lately though, and at the end of the day, if I'm 50 or fewer cals over, but felt hungry enough to eat those calories.. then I don't sweat it so much. More days than not I am under from exercise calories earned anyway. I still click "complete entry" because I like seeing the 5-week prediction. :smile:
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    I agree with you onthis :) the exercise I can see but the food? Some of the calories they have listed for things isnt even correct lol
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Can't you change the settings or something so that it doesn't announce it? I'm pretty sure that I had to choose to allow it to post that, along with choosing whether or not to share my diary, and whether or not to share my workouts/calorie burn. I could be wrong.

    If you don't hit the "complete" button, it won't publish to your timeline feed.

    You can also go to MY HOME, then settings, then uncheck the box that says "I have completed my diary for the day"
  • SHHitsKaty
    SHHitsKaty Posts: 301
    I don't understand why ANYONE is trying to only eat 1200 calories a day. Every thing I have read says that is an entirely low number for people, especially if you are working out. I burn 1200 calories just sitting on my *kitten* all day, add working out, my body wouldn't be getting enough AT ALL. I upped my calories to 1450 and try to net 1200 between working out and eating and I'm losing much faster.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I opted out of announcing it. I hate that it just spams up the newsfeed. Around the same time every day I have like 100 posts of X completed his/her diary for the day and was under their calorie goal! So I decided not to contribute to that noise.
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    When I see the message for my MFP friends, I go check their food diaries. Several people are eating way too little - staying under their 1200 calorie target (if that's what they have set - mine is about 1600/day). If they're eating under that target, I either don't make a comment - or I'm more likely to recommend they eat more. If they are consistently under that target - I'll drop them if they aren't open to advice.
  • photojunkie28
    Who would have thought that we would train ourselves to be afraid of a color? This seems like a disorder in itself! To walk up and down the stairs two more times to make sure you see a pretty little green number at the end of the day is a little rediculous. Especially since throughout the day at some point we probably under or over served ourselves something and the number isnt spot on anyway! Lets look at the big picture people...

    As long as I don't see a heartattack with fries and a 500 calorie over TDEE log....you know what? the day was good.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    I think it should say something like "and was within 100kcal of her calorie goal" or "was over 600kcal away from her goal" means people can also monitour people who are eating too little...
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I agree it bothers me too!! I'm in maintenance and my calorie goal is set at 1600.....there are days when I will go over by a few or even 100 but it's no big deal because I'm still under TDEE. I've had people leave comments like....'well at least you logged'. Plus I think the phrase 'under calorie goal' encourages under eating. MFP should remove or reword it!!!
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    Gender Age (years) Sedentary Moderately Active Active

    Female 19-30 2,000 2,000 - 2,200 2,400
    31-50 1,800 2,000 2,200
    51+ 1,600 1,800 2,000 - 2,200

    Male 19-30 2,400 2,600 - 2,800 3,000
    31-50 2,200 2,400 - 2,600 2,600-2,800
    51+ 2,000 2,200 - 2,400 2,400 - 2,600

    This table didn't copy very well, but this is pulled from WebMD and is what is published from the Mayo Clinic for recommended daily caloric intake to maintain your weight.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    No way, I LOVE seeing that at the end of my day. Awesome motivation.

    yeah, what she said.
    as someone who is still struggling to eat better,
    i love it when i DO go under my calorie goal for the day.
    If YOU dislike it, just click "Remove" by the post, and it is gone off of your page.:wink:
  • kmhenry84
    kmhenry84 Posts: 96 Member
    Yes, it's called "positive reinforcement." It praises you for staying under, but silent (in anger and shame - j/k) for going over... It's motivational!

    I understand that, however for those of us whose are set at 1200, we are already at the minimum. I try to keep it around 1210-1250 since I keep hearing 1200 should be minimum, and it tells me that I'm not eating enough if I go under. Friends will cheer me on for being under goal, but really... I don't need to be under because it's not healthy.

    There's a quick fix for that. If you don't feel comfortable going under your 1200 goal and being commended for it by a computer, you can simply change your goal to something like 1250. That way, when the computer tells you well done, you wont feel like you're doing something bad.
    Again, folks, it's a computer. I doubt the programmers have the time to go in and fix every little quirk.

    For *me* ... I'm just speaking for myself... a goal should be what we strive to MEET each day. For me its nothing about programming, and truthfully, its really not that big of a deal for me, just expressing my opinion. I shouldn't have to change my calorie goal. The point is that it seems to praise you for being under your goal, where it should praise you for being in your correct range, not for being under. It calculated the calories that is healthy for you to eat, so if it has figured out what's healthy for you, then why is it praising you for eating less than what it feels is healthy? that's all I'm saying.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    Ah, but it praises you right after it reprimanded you in some cases. I'm set to 1200, so any time I'm below, the auto-generated message is sure to let me know that this is a path to certain death. Then if I go to the home screen, it's all excited & using exclamation points. MFP might have a mood disorder.

    Lol, yes...it might just.

    I mentioned this positive reinforcement phrase earlier this month on another thread--I've always been under the impression that that was an "atta girl" at the end of my day. Honestly...I believe if my goal is 1200 calories, and I come in just under that, I've had a good day. Because if I'm under my goal, it's sure to be 16 or 4 or even 1 calorie under. But if I'm over, it's likely I've thrown in the towel and I am really over. ;)
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    Can't you change the settings or something so that it doesn't announce it? I'm pretty sure that I had to choose to allow it to post that, along with choosing whether or not to share my diary, and whether or not to share my workouts/calorie burn.

    I think, if you make the diary public, it does publish. If you keep it private, then it does not. Personally, I prefer to share. I have learned from other diaries and I, HOPE, people can learn from mine. One really good example is QUARK cheese. I had never heard of it. Love cheese and HATE cottage cheese. Quark Cheese was in someone's food diary I looked at. When I saw how little cals, fat and carbs/sugars, I nearly fell of my chair. NOW I eat it ALL the time, and I am still loosing!! That wouldn't have happened if I had not first seen it on someone's food diary. Admittedly I had to look it up, but I am, naturally, curious, so that was not a problem.

    You're on the right track but it's not about the diary being private or not. If you go to Settings at the top of the page, you can adjust privacy for several items, including these:

    Diary settings
    Profile privacy settings
    Automatic News Feed update settings

    My diary/profile has been private from day one, but my news feed is open to my friends. And MFP's news feed has reported my exercise and calorie goal accomplishments from the beginning.
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    Can't you change the settings or something so that it doesn't announce it? I'm pretty sure that I had to choose to allow it to post that, along with choosing whether or not to share my diary, and whether or not to share my workouts/calorie burn.

    I think, if you make the diary public, it does publish. If you keep it private, then it does not. Personally, I prefer to share. I have learned from other diaries and I, HOPE, people can learn from mine. One really good example is QUARK cheese. I had never heard of it. Love cheese and HATE cottage cheese. Quark Cheese was in someone's food diary I looked at. When I saw how little cals, fat and carbs/sugars, I nearly fell of my chair. NOW I eat it ALL the time, and I am still loosing!! That wouldn't have happened if I had not first seen it on someone's food diary. Admittedly I had to look it up, but I am, naturally, curious, so that was not a problem.

    Have you been peeking at my diary? LOL. I have quark cheese all the time now that I found it at my local Costco. It's an israeli version so I don't know how it compares to the german one, but it's really good with fruit and I'm going to make a cheesecake with it.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I wonder about that too. Here is my dilemma (and I'd love input on this) - I can reach my nutrition goals (protein, calcium, iron, fiber, etc etc) in less than 1000 calories a day. I typically exercise for about an hour or two a day right now. So MFP is simultaneously praising me for being under my calorie goal and yelling at me for not eating enough. Based on net calories you'd think my diet is a train wreck but it's nutritionally complete.

    I feel fine, not hungry, I love food and eat as much as I want. Should I worry about this? Should I fill in the calories anyway? Put a brownie in front of me, I'm sure I could wedge it in LOL

    Are these the MFP goals or have you gone in and set them manually? ie. the MFP default goals for protein are ridiculously low and carbs ridiculously high.
    It bothers me when the friend does not have an open diary, so I'm not going to congratulate them on being under their goal when i have no clue if they are TOO far under. Or if they eat nothing but junk all of the time with very little nutrients.

    Big reason I refuse to friend anyone who has a closed diary. I won't support people attempting to starve themselves thin. Usually I will give a couple of reminders then I un-friend.
    I think it should say something like "and was within 100kcal of her calorie goal" or "was over 600kcal away from her goal" means people can also monitour people who are eating too little...

    I totally agree with a range say 200 + or minus. I won't comment on anyone's diary just for one bad day (over or under) what I look for are trends. My biggest peeve is people who don't even bother to look at diaries and just say "wtg" or whatever. You aren't helping..
  • Jstash88
    Jstash88 Posts: 89 Member
    Damned if you do and damned if you don't....... Gee what's a girl to do? I agree, MFP should "rephrase" it's auto responses.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    I wonder that too, cuz i feel like it makes it look like we are starving ourselves. I am usually under because of exercise calories, but one day I was under by just 1 little calorie and it still said "was under her calorie goal" I feel like once u meet ur calories before exercise (cuz not everyone eats their exercise calories or at least not all of them, and isn't the goal NOT to go over anyway??) it should count as fulfilling your goal - i don't really make an effort to eat or not to eat my exercise calories, i just want my number to fall somewhere between my daily number before exercise and the one after
  • jen_2286
    jen_2286 Posts: 20 Member
    I used to use a different site for tracking my calories and they would give you a range to eat within each day (i.e. 1200 - 1400) rather than one specific number. I much preferred that but didn't stick with that site because everything else about MFP was better! Maybe it would be a lot better if it said something like "and was within her calorie range" or something.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Why does everyone assume that it is meant as praise. It is a statement. It doesn't say "congratulations" before it.