I feel so discouraged.

Kelsey14324 Posts: 11 Member
I've been stressed out and have just been eating anything that I want and now I feel awful :( Any ideas about getting out of my slump?


  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    Go workout. It helps me.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Well, you should probably stop eating your feelings and stick to the program you have created for yourself. Just decide to change it and change it.
  • You have to just love yourself enough to do it. Read my newest blog. Might motivate you a little. :)
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    When u feel like eating drink water and while drinking ur water ask urself if u are REALLY hungary , then remind urself of alllllllllll the reasons u want to lose weight and why u shudnt be over eating. if u are able to, go for a walk, if not then find something constructive to keep ur mind busy.
    This is a mtter of finding things that work for u. =)
  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    Nothing wrong with taking a mental health day and relaxing. Go eat some Oreos and get that craving out of your system. You'll find you'll hit the gym harder when you know you've been bad.
  • Here's my blog:

    Venabambina's Blog

    Loving myself is loving others? New concept.

    Last night the hubs and I had an amazing evening while the kids were at grandma's. (No, this is not another one of THOSE posts.) We stayed home and ate leftovers, drank beer, got tipsy, watched movies, acted silly, and laughed and laughed for hours until we got so tired from laughing, we slept. It was a very warm fuzzy kind of night.

    Early this morning I woke up in bed with my hubby tucked by my side, snoring and lovingly drooling in my hair. I watched him sleep for a moment, thinking about the roller coaster of our life together and how, through all the crap over the years, one thing hasn't changed. His love for me. I pondered this for a second, remembering fights and breakups and makeups and kisses and dances and slammed doors and tears and hugs. I remembered weddings and funerals, births and deaths, divorce and reconciliation. Through it all, his love for me may have briefly wavered from time to time, but the thread of his love has never broken.

    I suddenly felt like someone punched me in the stomach. This realization came over me that I'd never thought of before. How, if this man can love me so much, can I possibly hate myself? If I hate myself and my body, I'm basically hating someone that he loves, and that is just unacceptable! How would my daughter feel if I loved her but HATED her boyfriend? How would my sons feel if I loved one of them but HATED his brother? Would it be okay to feed myself healthy, nutritious food every day and feed my kids garbage? NO! Yet, I was doing just the opposite of that every day up until I started this journey here; making sure my kids got all the vitamins and nutrition they needed, and feeding myself garbage, poison, and SMOKING on top of that! What if my 7-year-old came to me with a cigarette in his mouth? Would that be okay? NO!

    I then started thinking about my mother, and my sister and brothers, and friends, and especially my God in heaven, and how I'm LOVED and how hating myself is not loving them back. It's actually slapping them in the face! It's literally telling them that they are idiots, because only an IDIOT would love someone or something that's not worthy of love.

    No, I'm not perfect, far from it. I have scars and faults and a bad temper and a big butt, but people love me in spite of these things. If I am going to love, truly love, those people back, I must start by loving myself, faults and all. I've heard that saying so many times, blah, blah, blah. I used to think it sounded kind of selfish; loving yourself. I never truly grasped it's meaning before. I finally get it.

    Starting today, I am NOT going to think of myself as "Vanessa, the fat chick who doesn't deserve happiness. Vanessa, the clumsy girl with ADHD. Vanessa, the doormat who isn't allowed to stand up for herself." I am going to think of myself as, "Vanessa, the one who is loved, by God and by others." Even if I never lose one more pound, I am still going to try to love myself enough to live healthy and be strong, because others love me, and they deserve my love in return.

    To all you MFP'rs out there. Love yourself!! Start today! Don't give up on your journeys. Whether you have 200 pounds to lose or 0. Whether you have anorexia or a food addiction. Love yourselves through it. You all are WORTH IT!
  • Hi Kelsey,

    Don't worry - I have felt exactly as you do at one time or another so you're not alone. You're trying to change old habits, and that is really hard. The best way to change old habits is consistency.

    I find, when I get in a slump, rather then focus too much on the 'big picture' - what's happening tomorrow, next week, next month, your goal - it's easier to focus on the 'smaller picture' until you crawl out of that slump. So focus on the next meal - make healthy choices for your next meal. Then focus on your meal after that. Focus on your next workout. Gradually, bit by bit, you will work your way out of that slump and you can start looking at the 'big picture' again.

    Remember, it's all up to you. If you really want it, you can get it.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    Remember this feeling next time you catch yourself thinking "if only I ate ___, I'd feel better" - because it doesn't.

    Meanwhile, take some time to shut off the tv, radio, computer, and do what is relaxing for you - a bath, reading, meditating by candlelight, soft music, whatever works for you. Don't be harsh on yourself, just make tomorrow a better day. Not perfect, just better. You're going to be ok. Many of us have days (weeks!?) like this. Just dust off and come back tomorrow. and the day after that. and the day after that :)
  • shavura
    shavura Posts: 2
    Mediation and breathing exercises allows me to get clarity and understanding to my day. Another thing I practice is before getting up in the morning I decide what I am going to hold as my motivation to my life journey. You can make it anything that you want and then do your best to stay focused throughout the day holding that promise to yourself. This is a lifetime journey and it is our responsibility to do our part to shift our thoughts immediately to what is so. Stay encouraged