Unhappy About Nearing A Goal

I know this is weird but I'm upset because I'm about to reach another weight loss milestone. A little background: I've tried and failed to lose weight for most of my adult life. About 18 months ago I started again with a goal to lose 157 pounds, a whole person. Right now I've lost 87 pounds, soon to hit 92. Why is 92 relevant? It will take me below 200 pounds and that is throwing me into a tailspin. I think it is because for so many years that was the mark I was determined to not go over; obviously I failed miserably at that. I want to be able to get past this and enjoy the achievement when it happens. Any ideas how to do that? Has anyone else struggled with this?


  • WVMedicineMom
    WVMedicineMom Posts: 15 Member
    I have not experienced this, but try to see reaching your goal in a positive light. You are reducing your risk of many chronic diseases related to obesity. If you have some of these conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, weight loss will help control them and possibly decrease your need for medication. You can buy new clothes... shopping is always fun! Displaying happiness and enthusiasm related to reaching your goals will inspire others who view your page or read your posts. I have found inspiration in many of my friend's status updates. Many times people don't realize how much of a positive impact they make on others just by speaking a few positive, uplifting words. I wish you the best!
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I want to be able to get past this and enjoy the achievement when it happens. Any ideas how to do that?

    Reward yourself somehow. You deserve it. You've done something incredibly that many millions spend their whole lives unable to do. Losing 90lbs is incredible.
  • jstack59
    Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it. I'm trying hard to focus on just the next goal, not look too far into the future and take this as it comes. There is a part of me that knows what a major accomplishment this is and hopefully that part will win out over the crazy part.