Post-workout hunger

I finally got back to the gym today and had a good, but short workout. I was completely famished when I got home. Since I was waiting on my family to eat dinner, I ended up grazing in the kitchen and then way overeating at dinner.

Any advice for post-workout hunger?


  • davidmcgowan1987
    First things first, straight back from the gym you go into the kitchen... you start looking for food


    have a large glass of water to buy you 5 minutes while you think.

    grab a pre-portioned (as in preparation is key get some tupperware) healthy snacks, something that is low calories.

    i keep little pots of boiled veg in the fridge to which i add gravy and get a 150 calorie meal thats the size of a large bowl.

    or a handful of mixed nuts/dried fruit.