ppl that are 5 '2 or shorter, hear me out.

Ok does anyone else feel like just because your short, some ppl don't respect you, or try to run you over? I have been having that problem lately. Just because I am 5'2 ,and look like I am 15, doesn't mean you can talk to me like I am a kid. One woman in my workout class, has just been running me over with rude comments. I was talking to out instructors in front of the whole class, and right in the middle of my statement she tells me to shut up. No one was talking but me. I mean I am an adult now! You can't say that to me. And on top of that I am still looked at like a kid. Just because I am short, doesn't mean I am stupid! I can understand what you are trying to say. Does this just happen to me?


  • caslyn3
    caslyn3 Posts: 70 Member
    I am 5'2 also, first of all.. LOL I would have slapped that b**** for telling me to shut up.. HAHA but I don't get disrespected for my height.. joked on.. but, i think shortness is cute.. makes us adorable..:-(
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    I'm not sure there's a good way to know if she was disrespecting you for being short (unless she actually said "Shut up shorty!"), but that sounds pretty unpleasant! What a b!t*h!
  • marvelscale
    Wow, that's awful :/

    I get playful jabs about my height (5'2") but nothing more than that...

    Sometimes I get mistaken for a high schooler, and I'm almost 22. I think I stopped growing in 8th grade.
  • It_never_ends
    It_never_ends Posts: 105 Member
    i'm not short. I'm 5'8.5, that woman is soooo rude. WTF! Who does that? I don't disrespect people for there height. How ever I sometimes say things that I don't relies hurts people. Like this girl at my work is really short and every time she reaches for something high I ask if she want's help or a chair or something. I mean well by this but apparently she HATES it. My bad. :/

    I'm jealous of short people, you can wear heels and not tower over guys. You look cute in everything. If you stumble or trip it makes you look goofy. If I trip I look like a big clutz. Short people have a lot of advantages. plus you can weigh less. average for 5'2 is 110 average for 5'8 is 140. -_-
  • drinkdeathhatred
    drinkdeathhatred Posts: 18 Member

    Sometimes I get mistaken for a high schooler, and I'm almost 22. I think I stopped growing in 8th grade.

    This^^ I also get mistaken for someone in highschool. I also get carded for cigarettes everywhere I go other than the gas station I used to work at and I'm 24 at 5ft even.

    Also, yay for the Pinkie Pie avi!
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I respect people who are short more than giant people who waste space. I feel like they have to be MORE to be heard and most rise to the occasion. Everyone I've ever known with a smaller frame had big personality, or big heart....the inches didn't matter, they were "tall/big" where it really mattered. I always felt like they were more accomplished for cramming that much personality into a space smaller than everyone else. That takes talent.

    I don't know how this is coming out....but it is complimentary.
  • rachf2013
    I'm just under 5'2" but people never notice until they stand right next to me. It's all in how you handle yourself- stand upright, shoulders back, chin-up, and assert yourself when you talk.
    I want to work in law enforcement and every now and then someone tells me I'm too small. Well I met an officer who's even shorter than me and she said she's never had any problems- it's all in how you present yourself!
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    Oh, and that woman in your class? Rude and it doesn't matter how tall you are for her to be rude. She'd be rude if you were 6 ft....she'd be rude if you shrunk 5 inches.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Stand up tall, put your shoulders back and feel confident! Show the world what your made of! I only dislike being short when I'm behind someone that I can't see over. Now I've become that woman who sits in the first or second row... Looks like confidence but it's cause I wanna see!!!
  • jesuskroeger
    I'm only 4' 11" and I don't mind laughing at myself about my height sometimes. During school, I did/do get teased about it, but knowing some of the biggest celebrities right now are shorties as well! (Lady Gaga is 5' 1" and Kim Kardashian is 5' 2")
    So many people always think I'm 13 or 14, although I've recently discovered that being more responsible and confident in the things I do around my peers makes me look much more mature, and have some people thinking I'm way older than I actually am and respecting me, regardless of my height.
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    I'm 5'2" tall.....ive never been disrespected for my height...maybe its because im a redhead and most people assume i have a bad temper!!! Lol.... Plus when i was in highschool my closest friends were all shorter then me. Guys thought we were cute..we may have heard alot of jokes about it but that was it.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    As a fellow shorty, I can definitely relate. However, I don't think of myself as short. I feel tall and I think (hope?) I carry myself "taller." But I am short and have always looked younger than my age, and I swear, I get no respect sometimes!! Very hard in corporate America sometimes... I was actually so excited to get gray hair and turn 40 just to be like, see? I'm grown! You will respect me!! LOL
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    I have had trouble with random big men getting in my face, and they were just down right awful to me. Once because of traffic and another because my phone rang during a movie and I couldn't find it fast enough. I wonder if it is because i'm a small person. If I was a big man, I doubt they would have said something. I may be small but I can stand up for myself and that is what I did.
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    I think you look younger than you are. People probably disrespect you since you look so innocent. I'm 5'2" but I'm an old fart compared to you. I demand respect dang nabit and so should you!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,165 Member
    Ok does anyone else feel like just because your short, some ppl don't respect you, or try to run you over? I have been having that problem lately. Just because I am 5'2 ,and look like I am 15, doesn't mean you can talk to me like I am a kid. One woman in my workout class, has just been running me over with rude comments. I was talking to out instructors in front of the whole class, and right in the middle of my statement she tells me to shut up. No one was talking but me. I mean I am an adult now! You can't say that to me. And on top of that I am still looked at like a kid. Just because I am short, doesn't mean I am stupid! I can understand what you are trying to say. Does this just happen to me?
    Was height truly the only factor? The way you've described it, this sounds like an ongoing situation with a single individual. Based on the bit of information you've provided, it's hard to tie your height to the behaviour.

    Respect can't be taken for granted. People who are self-confident project this in many ways, especially in their voice. Likewise, those are are less confident project that as well. I know a lady who is 4'11" that commands the attention of the room by her presence alone. She's not especially loud but she projects confidence and surety.

    I also know a guy who interrupts almost compulsively... and whatever he has to say is the most important thing EVER... even if it's inane... It doesn't take long before people figure him out and want nothing to do with him which, unfortunately, feeds his cycle of rude communication.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I always thought us short people (5'2 at most) always had the Napoleon complex. Oh that's right. It's mainly short GUYS. LOL Honestly, ever short man I have ever known was a bossy, pompous sarcastic prick. lol Pardon my language. But I am far from passive.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Okay--this goes no further~

    Once I was trying to get into the subway--when this guy-big--like 6'3 was blocking the doors--and I had my guitar on my back--but could not get around him and I asked him politely 'Sir--could you please let me through? -and he grumbled something and would not move. Without thinking- so furious-I *shoved* him--aside--shouting GET OUT OF THE WAY--he was not expecting it (neither was I :laugh: )

    so he stumbled off balance--and then voluntarily made more room for me to move into the car. And I did.

    The entire half of the subway car I was in--- stared at me open-mouthed--they'd witnessed the entire thing
    As I settled into my seat--adjusting the guitar against my knees--I said to the car--at large

    "well---I asked him-nice"
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,165 Member
    "well---I asked him-nice"
    Good for you!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Um, no actually I don't run into that at all.

    When I walk I carry myself in a manner that shows I'm confident and I have never had anyone disrespect me because of my height.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Maybe us up here just can't see you down there. Have you tried wearing a bell? :smile: