Bikram Yoga Bride to be

Hi All!
I'm a bride to be looking to lose 35 lbs by April 2013. I've found MyFitnessPal to be a very useful and informative tool to evaluate my eating and exercise regimen. My exercise is walking, jogging, light weights and Bikram Yoga.
My diet is poor due to food choices at work. Every other day there is cake and some sort of sweet in the office. I have such a sweet tooth and a lack of willpower when it comes to sweets!.
I need help and motivation once in awhile.


  • WannaBSkinnyBride
    I'm also a bride...but I'm looking to lose about 80 pounds. It's always hard resisting goodies at work. My job will "reward" us with junk food and ice cream. Sometimes I'm good at saying no...but clearly I often say yes! Good luck with your journey. Everyone wants to be a beautiful bride!
  • imaindigogirl
    I love Bikram Yoga, sure wish they had it here where I live. Did it in Vancouver when I was visiting and loved it!