Considering weight watchers...

Hello guys what is you guys opinions any success stories!


  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I used to do weight watchers and I believe I lost about 15 pounds in 2.5 months. It was a few years back, though. I didn't stick to it. I made a bad choice of going off of it and then I basically starved myself without knowing it and put back on weight plus some. Weight watchers has changed since I did it though. My mom did it too, and she lost 40lbs and has kept it off. I'd recommend it.
  • Goonygugu
    Goonygugu Posts: 114

    I think weight watchers is awesome.

    I am doing it and I have lost 3.4kgs (7lbs) so far.

    I find that logging my food on MFP and watching my WW points is wroking very well together. By making sure I hit my 1200 cal mark in MFP - I am also reaching my points target in WW.

    Good luck :-)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Can I just ask why you feel the need? You are already on MFP, it is the same sort of tool as WW, only better, and free.

    I'm not trying to be overly negative, but it seems to me like WW is basically an easier or 'dumbed down' version of calorie counting. Why not just do it properly here and be more educated about the calories you are consuming and the nutritional contents of them, rather than looking at how many points they are worth.
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    a friend of mine has lost over 60 lbs with WW! Just like anything, it only works if you do it. My friend thinks going to the meetings are extremely helpful.
  • mschelle11
    mschelle11 Posts: 5 Member
    I am joining weight watchers tomorrow. The meetings will help keep me accountable in addition to logging my exercise and food on MFP.
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    Can I just ask why you feel the need? You are already on MFP, it is the same sort of tool as WW, only better, and free.

    I'm not trying to be overly negative, but it seems to me like WW is basically an easier or 'dumbed down' version of calorie counting. Why not just do it properly here and be more educated about the calories you are consuming and the nutritional contents of them, rather than looking at how many points they are worth.

    I agree!!! I did it years ago and there really is no difference, its all about tracking your food one way or another. MFP is FREE , gotta love free.
    Have you considered TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly) you can check it out i believe. Its similar to WW, group meetings, wiegh in but no tracking so you could track on here and attend meetings. Tops is alot cheaper than WW, about $30 year for the membership and $6.00 per month in dues. :smile:
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I wouldn't waste the money to be completely honest. This site is sooooo helpful. I could never stick to a plan like that. I've lost 19 lbs in 2 months with being hypothyroid. I really feel that just counting calories and watching carbs/sugars and all that, and portion control is the way to go.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I've lost with weight watchers but put it back on - then lost with weight watchers and ended up bigger than I started. The only thing I lost was $ or £ Its a nice concept but I don't know anyone it has worked for long term (that only a sample of 8 or 9 people I know have tried it mind but none of them had long term success). Also I'm not sure how it would work here - you would have to enter the calories in here and do points which seems a lot of hard work :-) good luck whatever you decide and I hope whatever you do works for you. This site (and forming a network of people on it) is the only thing that has worked for me. I would recommend this instead and its free :-) If you want to add me as a friend please feel free to do so. I'm sociable and leave feedback whenever I can. If you can do the same for me please feel free to add me.
  • zanniew
    zanniew Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a lifetime WW member, which is only just, since I started doing it at age 18 or so, when the organization was barely a couple of years old. Sometimes--over these past 40 years--it's worked; sometimes not. The leader matters; the group matters; the meeting hours and location make a difference: it's pretty much like life. What mostly matters is whether or not I am actually going to be able to stop using food as a drug at whatever point in my life. I give myself a few years after a parent dies, for example: no way I'm gonna be able to sober up. When I'm ready, I'm ready, and I can get clean from sugar and enjoy my life that way a while, losing the weight almost incidentally. At that point, it's nice to have some structure, a group, a diet plan, WW, FF, MFP, TOPS--whatever. But there's NO magic bullet or spaceship. You do this work bite by bite, all by yourself, in the long run, whether it's dieting or fattening up again.