obese and running



  • moonlightturk
    I weighed 242 at my heighest when I began to run. I jogged mainly and still do at 210lbs. Not 5-6 days but more like 3-4 days a week.
  • ambarr82
    ambarr82 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I guess technically I'm considered OBESE but I have found I love jogging. I wouldn't call it running yet. I have been walking/jogging for 2 months now. I'm 5'9" and my starting weight was 262 lbs. I walk and jog 3 miles at least 5 days a week. It is HARD not going to lie. I've lost 17 lbs since June 25th. I did my first 5K on August 18th the weekend of my 30th birthday. I finished in 43:24. Not fast but I DID IT!! Tomorrow will be my 2nd run. I think it gets kinda addicting lol.

    I may be wrong but I know when I need a break. My body tells me I should slow down/stop or maybe even an extra day off.

    OH and for my 30th birthday my hubby bought me a curl bar and weights. JUST WHAT I WANTED!!! YAY!!
  • jenjersnapco
    jenjersnapco Posts: 206 Member
    I started running when my BMI was 33. I run 3-4 miles every other day currently but just started 10k training. My main advice is not to over-train and, most importantly, get the right shoes.. Research the heck out of the best shoes and, best of all, go to a running store for their recommendations. They will observe your gait when running to see if you pronate,where your foot strikes, etc. Many overweight people do best with stability control/motion control shoes.
  • Heitor70
    Heitor70 Posts: 56 Member
    I am 5'10 (male) and started running at 228 lbs. I run at a very slow pace first, then progressively faster. On the third week I run 5 miles for two days in a row. Then added another day. On my 4th week I was running 5 miles 4 to 5 days a week. Now I am trying to run faster and go faster than 5 miles per hour. I am at 206 today. Perhaps try to see if you are stressing your ankles or knees too much. Shorter and quicker steps are better. Your posture must be always relaxed and find a pace that works for you. Also, consider the time of day that works best for you and make sure you have a restful sleep always. If you are tired your body will not respond. I still have a long way to go until I reach 180 lbs or less. Good luck and keep trying!
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    I started running at around 240 lbs (I'm 5'8). A little running and a lot of walking in intervals at first...outside, treadmill, whatever.
  • walikeheke
    I started jogging when I was around 315 lbs, after I lost about 15 already and I was pretty slow and couldn't do much, just alternated back and forth between walking and jogging, but now I'm 285 and I can go for at least a few miles at a time at a decent pace. It's not the most miraculous thing but it's much better than it was before, and I'm training for my first 5k fun run. I jog / run about 3-4 days a week and I go outside so I can switch it up and go to different places around town. Sometimes I'll go and jog someplace instead of driving like if I want to go to the bank to run an errand.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    If it is easier get in the pool and move. Easier on the joints too.
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    I'm obese. I'm 36.8BMI. I started C25K 6 weeks ago. Tomorrow I'm running 5km for the Bridge to Brisbane. It's my first public race and I'm terrified but really excited too. I know I can do it, I've been training and I run 3 times per week, I do abs and other stuff 3 days and rest 1 day. You're never too big to start, but start small. Try C25K because it's a nice, easy program that builds you at levels your body can tolerate without breaking!
  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    I just started the Couch to 5K program, I am overweight at 260 and I try to run between 4-6 days a week depending on how I feel. I have always wanted to run but never been at a weight I thought I could. I have been doing it for three weeks now and I love it. You may be pushing your body too far, doing too much. Do what makes you SLIGHTLY uncomfortable because you have to get some kind of burn out of it but don't push yourself. You could also do something like the Couch to 5K just to get yourself from beginner to runner without hurting yourself too...
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I was 230 when I started running with C25K a month ago. Since then, I've lost 8 pounds from a combo of that, lifting and diet. My knees are fine, but that's me; I've always had strong legs and knees. If your joints hurt, don't push yourself because you'll hurt yourself more.

    Good shoes, water and a positive outlook do wonders!

    PS- I run 3 days a week.
  • Proyecto_AN
    Hey, i'm Alfredo... 6'1 - 324 lbs, i'm currently doing "fast walk (6 to 9 km/h)" on a elliptical trainer (easier on the joints), my average is 10+ km a week . I train 5 times a week. Just started 43 days ago. Feel free to add me!
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I completed C25K @ 300 pounds. Yes, it sucked, but I did it. My body did hurt, but I like punishment so as long as I could kind of walk I kept going hard. I found it hurt my lower back the most.

    Today, I'm 250 or something, so still overweight. I did 6.5 miles (run/walk), 5k (mostly run today), etc and it's much easier. I'm starting to run/jog/whatever more often now.

    As everyone else said, get the best shoes you can and go at your own pace to build up. Like Postrockandcats said, I also have always had solid legs/knees.
  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    I am in the middle of the Couch to 5K program. I am obese and this program has really helped me. I do the walking and running intervals 3 times a week. The other days I usually do a workout video with weights. I have lost 5 pounds since starting and I feel more energized. I definitely plan to keep this up after I have completed the program. Good luck to you!
  • michelleindeed
    michelleindeed Posts: 117 Member
    I'm currently 301 (5'11"), and I've been walking and trying to speedwalk or throw in some jogging, and my body doesn't seem to like that at all yet. I think I'm going to hold off for a while, since I have bad knees AND bad ankles.
    Also MS, which makes me extra-clumsy.
  • YoukilledJosh
    I started running 6-7 days a week at 315lbs, if it hurts dont do it just listen to your body :)