You or your spouse?

Did you and your spouse start the journey to fitness together or did one start first? I have
more to lose than my spouse but it feels like I have to be the one to motivate both of us...


  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    I started.. and I had way more to lose then him. I had about 170 pounds to lose (down about 70 so far) my fiance has about 20.. the only changes he's made so far is to cut down on soda.

    my fiance wants to tone up after losing the weight though.. so even though the pounds will come off quick.. he'll still have to work it to tone.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Wife and I started at the same time, I have much more to lose than her but we both are doing this and motivation is equal, on days I do not feel like walking she gets on the tredmill and then that makes me want to walk also, and vice versa. We started in Jan 2012 and we have lost over 128lbs together. Long way to go but this is forever not a diet.
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    I try to motivate my spouse! He's mostly lost weight by proxy *lol* but he switched jobs to one that requires him to be one his feet more, and has started playing soccer 2-3 times a week, so maybe I should give him more credit :)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm at this alone. He's too lazy and unmotivated. I give up trying to help him if he doesn't want to help himself!
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    my bf has always been more fitness oriented than me and he has gotten super into it this year losing a bunch of fat and working his way to a six pack. definitely motivation for me to get my *kitten* into gear and get the fat off me! he is always working out so we go on runs or we do ab ripper x at home and then he goes on a run on his own lol. it just sucks that guys can eat a bunch more calories and still lose!
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    My husband and I didn't really start wanting to lose weight together but its kind of worked out that way. He doesn't need to lose weight but goes to the gym with me most days (when hes not busy at work) I think it started with helping me and now he does it because it makes him feel better. I don't like having a work out partner because I find I don't work as hard when someone is with me. So when we are done with cardio we kind of go our separate ways. I like that he sees how hard I am working and I love that he is proud enough to tell others how well I am doing. By the way he still hates all the healthy dinners (they never taste as good as they sound) but he still eats it and doesn't complain to much.
  • AESprouse
    AESprouse Posts: 112 Member
    Well, my husband is only 15lb overweight and he isn't really worried about it. He's 5'10 and weighs 200lb. His only concern is that he'd like to tone up his "soda belly" which honestly makes him look pregnant lol.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    I started first, since I needed the most help. Now that I've had considerable success, my wife jumped in and started doing it.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I started the beginning of June. My husband is 6'4 and 230lbs. He said he'd like to be 190 but he has taken NO effort in trying, So he has supported me by buying me new running shoes, pedometer, pays for my appetite suppressant, bought me a HRM...It would be nice if he actually joined with me. As of now I am making 4 different kinds of dinners.
    9 month eats baby food mixed with cereal and a bottle
    3 yr old likes chicken nuggets, pizza, mac n cheese, apples,fries
    Husband wants high carb sides like mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, pizza, noodles, rice, hamburger helper, spaghetti.
    It's really hard.
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    My spouse has the body of a athlete unfortunatley I do not and never have lol. He motivates me though and gives me tips. He is always working out because he is Army Special Forces so he has to stay in shape hes almost obssessed with staying in shape clearly that has not been the case with me :bigsmile:
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    My better half doesnt need to lose weight lucky sod, but he is bored waiting around for me to do my swimming and kickboxing lessons so im going to sign him up for dance lessons (he loves dancing, I hate dancing) hes quite enthusiastic about it (no hes not gay lol)
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    I found that it was only when my OH started doing this as well that it really started working for me - he's a chef so I'd be good all week then whenever he was home we'd totally splurge out and I'd ruin it. Now we're good even when he is home all weekend, we cut out wine drinking and full blown three course dinners! It definitely helped me having him on board as I have awful willpower by myself :wink:
  • astina2727
    astina2727 Posts: 149 Member
    my spouse isn't motivated at all and its really sad and super hard!!!
  • iieee
    iieee Posts: 39 Member
    My husband has made no effort whatsoever to lose weight, he drinks beer and eats snacks every night, he doesn't exercise. However he has somehow lost 14lbs while I've been losing so I can only guess it's because he eats what I cook!? Lucky *kitten*.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    I suggested this site to my fiancee who wanted to lose weight and I joined it a week later to support her. I'm still here, but mostly just to be a sarcastic SOB :)
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    I joined here last year and I did it by myself ... first time I ever tried something like this.
    I was cooking for my family all meals to ensure I ate properly, but he wasnt on board so it was very discouraging to me.

    This year I made us get physicals and we were both told we should lose some weight by the doctor even though right NOW we were healthy, we might not always be so lucky ..

    So now he's been completely on board with me 100% and it's been sooooo much more motivating!!! We're about 60 days in now and completely committed to both eating right and exercising...

    Not that I need someone to validate me, but it's easier when you're eating a salad and chicken, not to watch someone else eating pizza and chips!
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I have started and will finish this personal journey... probably on my own.... He's not motivated to change his weight, but he has to come to that on his own too. When that time comes, I will be here to help, because this is a LONG TERM thing for me. We will see if he wakes up or not.... who knows... But I will say that he has already lost weight because I do the cooking and grocery shopping... he eats what I make/buy and it sure as hell isn't crap anymore...
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    I'm the only one who needs to lose weight in my house. Well, me and a couple of our pets. My husband is in great shape and is one of those humans who can eat anything he wants and not gain weight. Lucky him.
  • Jimmytreatingtons
    Jimmytreatingtons Posts: 128 Member
    We both Started ours together and in fairness The Missus has struggled. There has been some medical and personal issues over the journey that has effected us both. I have kept up with it, but the Missus has struggled, medical issues stopping her and the rest sheer lack of motivation.

    I've started back again and the Missus is just getting back in to it. I have tried everything with her to get her going....on the fitness front, and tactfully too (even for a bloke) Doesn't help when people say 'Look at you, you look so different!' I cringe inside and wish they wouldn't say anything as I know it is a kick in the teeth for her, I tried loads of things to help the other half but most of it gets through back in face.

    'You're obsessed with the gym' 'You've got OCD with that gym' 'You think more of the gym than me' Blah blah blah, water off a ducks back now. (Good job I am the laid back kind!) Thankfully it might be 3 days for the wife in the gym this week Zumba & Gym workout which I am made up with.

    Don't think I meant for this post to end up like this but it has...........guess it's kinda good to be off my chest......anyone with any thoughts give me a yell!
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    My husband doesn't have weight issues in the same way I do. Diabetes and other weight-related issues are rampant in my family (which I am trying to avoid), so when my body fat was just too high and I was tired of not looking toned and slim, I started losing weight and exercising regularly. My husband, on the other hand, was super skinny and got tired of looking "geeky" (he's very tall), so he started working to gain muscle as well. I was the only one who had fat to lose.

    We work out at separate gyms because of our jobs, but we do walk the dog together (very brisk), and occasionally I ask him to run with me. He loves the healthier meals I'm preparing, so it's working out well. It's a lifestyle change for both of us.