Feeling very down and unmotivated



  • absolutnonsense
    Urgh! I feel just like that today.
    Might be owing to some late nights' work followed by some bad nights' sleep, but even putting on my exercise clothes has been a struggle today, and it's raining torrentially, so not too keen in my plan b which is usually a long brisk walk somewhere.

    Think I might grit my teeth and actually join the gym tomorrow, see if "I'm paying a fortune for this, best get my *kitten* off the sofa and go" will be a good motivator…
  • littlefreckle91
    I know what you mean,but I've been seeing how you've been doing and you're doing so well! As I definitely know,comparing yourself to others is really counter productive :( easier said than done right,but you're doing the right thing,it's working! 25lbs is a great loss and as you are doing it the healthy way,you are more likely to keep it off!

    Stay strong :flowerforyou:
  • Chellie_Bellie
    YOU LOST 25 POUNDS!!! I can't wait to say I lost 25 pounds. Every little pound counts, they all add up. You should be so proud of what you've done. You're depressed today, but you're my motivation for the day, I want to say I lost 25 pounds, no matter how slow the going. Hang in there, you're doing so good, and remember lots of people can lose weight fast, staying motivated and keeping it off is the trick, you are doing it all the right way!

    Stay Strong :flowerforyou:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Know what is guaranteed to help?


    True story.

    Forget motivation, do it out of spite against your contrary brain.
  • serenitynowww
    I can tell by your username that we both share a love for a certain online hobby... and I've been approaching my weight loss with the same attitude. Sure there is heaps of grinding and repetition of the same, boring tasks that we've done a million times before, but it is all done for a purpose TO GET SHINIES. Weight loss is just like upping that gear score, with the differences being that the successes you have IRL are tangible; you are healthier, you look better and will ultimately be a happier person for it.

    25 pounds is a tremendous achievement and you should always remind yourself of that when things start to get you down.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    25 pounds is a rediculously awesome ammount of weight to have lost since you joined it's more or less a pound a week which is the healthy optimum for losing and keeping it off without yoyoing back up once you start maintaining, keep up the great work and don't worry about anyone else, they'll always be people who are better at this dieting marlarky than you, either because they have more to lose, work out to the nth degree or just are generally spawny and we hate them... *joking*

    But basically you're doing great I dunno if you work out much but if you're not that's probably the key to losing quicker and it doesn't have to be boring you can do a few Zumba classes or get the game or dvd, highly recommend it, as I find slogging it out at the gym tedious.

    Good luck! x
  • munty76
    munty76 Posts: 47
    Hi Alex,

    I woke up today, feeling dreadful. I didnt want to exercise or do anything, I didnt even feel like going to work. Maybe there IS something in the air.

    Dont give up...dont ever give, take a break if you have to but dont ever give up. If you have hit a stall and want some help then message me and I'll try and help you out of it if i can, im in a stall myself and am trying different things to get out of it.

    I see by your profie your gamer...if you have an xbox/wii/ ps3 then maybe try one fo the fitness games that are available. I use your shape fitness evloved which i really enjoy, or even just one of the dance games as it gets you moving and is fun... iv seen a few pc fitness games as well but not sure how good they are.

    Like the rest of the great advice on this thread, just keep moving.... even if its a few steps.

    Good luck and friend me if you want some motivation/advice

  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    I have these days too. You have one choice - push your "I want to quit and wallow in food" feelings aside and get your rear in the gym. Think hard to find what motivates you to make good food choices, mine personally is a bikini but everyone is different.

    Sometimes you just need to push your feelings aside and do what needs to be done, make healthy food choices and exercise. It shouldn't be a decision but more of something you have to do like brushing your teeth.
  • mkupartist
    mkupartist Posts: 79 Member
    I find that this is usually concurrent with a plateau. I'm in the same place you are now and it's been about a month that I have not had my weight move. Granted, my clothes fit differently but there is just something discouraging about the scale not moving.

    Hope this helps you- but i've decided to push through it by taking it to the next level. That means working out 5 days this week at the gym and finding a way to move (walk in the neighborhood) on those days off. That's the only way I feel like i'm going to drop more weight, recharge my motivation and become more fit.

    You have to ask yourself what a person who has reached their goals would have done. I've never heard anyone that has lost 100lbs tell me they were successful because they kicked back and watched Cheers for a month. It is PUSH PUSH PUSH. When you're struggling with a workout, make that voice in your head tell you that someone who loves the benefits of reaching their goals doesn't slack halfway through a set. Maybe isn't what you want to hear in particular but hopefully it motivates you to get back to your plan!
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    Maybe you are going through subclinical depression. Did you have a child recently?
    Get out in the sunlight, exercise and get your fish oil pills all these help with a low mood. Food with high serotonin helps google it.

    The best offcouse are the three I listed above.
    You need to be happy and healthy for your kids and you can do it.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Thank you for the support everyone. I managed to push myself to walk uptown with my kids for a parade that was going on for a local event. They really enjoyed all the tractors and horses and I got a little bit of cardio in.

    I just gotta keep trying.
  • adriana90
    I really don't know why but I've been feeling so down and unmotivated. I feel like I just want to curl up and sleep for days and days. I can't get myself to excercise. I've been trying to at least stay within my calorie range but I find myself wanting to gorge myself and it's so hard to stop myself.

    I don't know what to do. I almost feel like giving up but I've made it so far....I just feel like I should be further than this after doing this for so many months.
    I see people losing 50+ lbs in the time it took me to lose 25.


    I have the same issue.. Seriously. The only advice I can give is just to workout and get it over with.. And stick with your calorie range. I have an extremely difficult time motivating myself.. But after a workout or after a successful day of staying within my caloric limit, I feel better.. I hope that over time it feels better and better and eventually I'll get excited and WANT to work out.. Motivation is one of my biggest battles. So maybe we can motivate each other?