Ok, I have a question....



  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I think it depends on the type of person/couple you were.

    I don't think there's any right or wrong answer. Every couple is different but in general. But, I also think that both parties involved need to be on the same page as far as what is going on because if one person thinks there is a chance of reconciling and the other starts dating, the divorce may get a whole lot more complicated.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    It really just depends on your situation. I know it sounds shallow but if there is a lot of money or property involved all divorce attorneys will offer this advice - DO NOT EVEN LOOK AT ANOTHER WOMAN(or guy if its a girl) ! Why? As others have said any actions leading up the finalization can and will be used against you. You may have not have been adulterous in your marriage but you are hard pressed to argue if you develop a relationship after the separation.

    Most attorneys will suggest you not date or see other people until it is finalized.

    Also, why are you in such a hurry? The fact that you are makes a bit suspicious - 3 -6 months is not that long to be single, enjoy it. Live your life, otherwise it is pretty suspicious.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I think until a divorce is final, the person is still legally married. I would avoid anything that might cause legal or ethical problems. One of my friends still has issues with her ex claiming she cheated on him because she had a boyfriend before they were technically divorced. Be careful, especially if child custody is part of the equation.
  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    Live as you wish.. But if someone asks you tell them "I'm going through all the leagal BS redtape of a divorce. We are done though.. No chance of getting back together."
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    Having gone through a divorce... it took 6 months to finalize. I was officially "separated" and did whatever the hell I wanted to but we didn't have any kids, so the process was pretty easy for me to get through. With other aspects that you might have to consider - and if those actions could be used against you in court during hearings - you have to watch out. I have seen some nasty drag out divorces in my friends that was not pretty at all - to where they tried to leverage the "dating life after separation" against them.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I think it needs to depend on the relationship and the state you live in. In my state, you have to live separately for 1 year before you can get a divorce. I was living separately from my ex-husband with no intention to get back together for 10 months before I started dating my current husband and my divorce from my ex was finalized 6 months later. My current husband and I have been together for 22 years.

    I have no idea if my ex had dated during the time we were separated, but I am pretty sure he did since he wanted me to stay married to him and raise the child we had together while he had an "open" marriage. Just for him, not for me.

    I definitely got the bargain in the divorce, my son and my current husband.
  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    I would say single, but definitely a level of respect to your past partner is required until the final papers are through.

    Sure go on dates, but don't start sleeping with her best friend....just yet.