New convert to intermittent fasting after Horizon show (UK)

Im new to all this so please bear with me. I am almost 50, and have been paraplegic all my life. As a youngster I was very active, competing in parasports at national level (under 18's). But ten yrs ago I developed arthritis in my shoulders (not surprising as my arms had done the work of my legs for four decades!). So, I ended up having to use a motorised wheelchair for all outdoor activities. Since then I have put on a lot of weight. Gone from 118 lbs to 152lbs. Now, I am stuggling to remain independant because transferring is becoming so difficult, and the strain on my shoulders is even greater. I've tried other diets but they all required a lot of exercise, too, and I am very limited in what I can do. Playing ping pong on the Wii every morning is about it

My calorie intake is not enormous. I've used the myfitnesspal app for quite some time, and looking at my eating habits I only take in around 1100 per day. But most of that is from liquids: fizzy drinks, coffee, juice. I realise that this is not good as they are all empty calories (with the exception of the juice), and that I'd been kidding myself about my intake because I generally only eat once per day.

So, fasting appealed to me on many levels: My health may well improve. According to research highlighted in the Horizon Tv program, I'll be staving off a lot of the diseases that my immobility gives me an increased risk of getting. It also means that I only have to strictly count calories on two days. And, hopefully, I'll lose around 30 lbs over time if I stick to it. I've given myself until Christmas to lose the majority of those extra pounds, that is roughly 17 weeks of IF.

This is week two, day one. Last week we did consequtive days (Wed/Thurs). This week we are going non conseq (Tues/Thurs), though. My hubbie is doing it with me and last week we were both a little irritable. I think I was having coffee withdrawal, and he just loves his food on a regular basis, so was feeling deprived! We both feel it's very important for us to do it together. I think that would be more acceptable to him to do non-consequtive days, than splitting his 600 cals over two meals on conseq days. Also, going two days without caffeine made me a little cranky!

Although it is quite hard whilst fasting, we have found that the day after we both feel really energised - above and beyond normal. It is as though our bodies have had a tune up and are running just a bit smoother. It is quite a good feeling.

I've also discovered a lovey herbal tea. Usually, I hate herbal teas because they taste only vaguely of their constituent parts, and always have a bitter after taste. But Pukka Peppermint and Liquorice organic tea is amazing! It is almost too sweet to drink, so you feel like you've had your sugar hit (well, I do anyway, as I miss my coffee with one sugar in the morning). If you are used to having hot drinks with sugar, please try these. You won't regret it.


  • Hi Nettie, I'm 50 next April and also on week two (day 4) of the 5:2 diet, I'm weighing in at 11st, down from a high of 11st 7 lb. You're quite an inspiration with the obstacles you're overcoming and I think you've done well not to put on more weight than you have since having to use the motorised wheelchair., As you say cutting out the empty calories should make a difference. I'm finding the fasting days hard going too and feel grumpy all day! Best of luck to you and your hubby. :smile:
  • myIF
    myIF Posts: 15
    That documentary was great!! I watched it on YouTube a few weeks ago. As I posted in another MFP forum, I recently made a blog and wrote out an article on IF because it was really strong on my mind. The link is here.

    Hope it helps! Message me if you have any questions!