What time do you exercise?



  • mommymeryl
    I was doing Zumba at 4:30 or 6:30 during the week at my gym. . .but always easy to find reasons not to go (have to help daughter with homework, have to get dinner ready, blah, blah). ..I now go between 5:30 - 6:30am and am home by 7:15ish M-F and I love it much more. .its done and over with and gives me a good start to the day. ..
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Late afternoon/evening. Used to love 10pm workouts, but they kept me up too late.
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Whenever I get the time. If I wake before the kids, or should I say if they wake up asset normal time and not early I'll do it then. If I can't I do it when they have a bath in the hallway so I am next to the door. Even then I get interrupted but they generally just join in
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I was out the door this morning for my run at 5:00AM - my favourite time. I find my energy levels are great and it's a fantastic way to start the day (now if I could just convince race organizers to move up start times! :laugh: )
  • jodilo88
    jodilo88 Posts: 63
    I'm kind of a "late" morning girl...around 9-10 AM or so.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Between 8:30 and 9 PM here. I have a 4-month-old who gets up when he hears people moving around, so morning workouts are right out.
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    Right after I get out of work, usually around 330 in the afternoon
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    I wake up at 4 AM, eat a small snack, go for a 15-20 minute walk to wake me up, then do some sort of cardio/strength training. I work at 8 so this gives me all time I need to get a solid workout in and shower/eat breakfast and get things ready for the day :) I've found I feel a lot better through the day, and more energized when I work out in the mornings!