Personal: Depo shot - having weight gain issues?

Ashia1317 Posts: 415
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Recently, with in the last year I've been getting the depo birth control injection. I did my research before I talked to my doctor and I knew weight gain was a part of it, but it seemed that way with most BC, possibly. I was curious if anyone else is doing the same thing and have weight loss, weight gain issues. Water retention?

I think I need to talk to my doctor. My eating habits are the best they've ever been and I'm continuing to monitor them. Excercise is light to moderate but I'm not seeing pounds shed . . .

I'm beginning to get frustrated . . . . panic.


  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    I was on the Depo shot years and years ago. If I'm remembering right, my weight had sort of leveled off for a while, but then it started going down again. So it may just be that your body needs to get used to the hormone fluctuations before it can go back to normal?
  • stacey76
    stacey76 Posts: 66 Member
    I've been on the depo shot for almost 10 years now. I've had a couple doctors say only about 8 pounds a year could be contributed weight gain from the shot. I am horrible when it come to remembering taking pills so the shot works great for me, plus the benefit of no monthly visitor. If there is some weight gain due to the shot, I'll take it...the pros out weigh the cons to me. Good luck!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    I was on the shot, gained 10 pounds + and hated it. Everyone that I know has gained weight on it. I then went to my MD to talk about it since I to can not take the pill. As far as BC goes and weight gain she told me my best bet is the Nuvring (sp?) or the IUD. Both do not have weight gain as a side effect. I did the ring and it was great. I lost weight. Good luck.
  • I was on the shot for three months and I was ALWAYS hungry. By the end, I had gained 14.2 lbs. I recommend the nuvaring. You change it once a month so it is no big deal and it is less hormones all at one time in your body (opposed to the shot - 3 months worth at once). There is also no weight gain or hair loss associated wth it.
  • I've been noticing certain cravings and "hunger pain" that I've never felt I had before. I'm trying to wrestle with the pros and cons and what's really worth it. I'm going to try one more shot and see if I can lose or "control" the weight gain. Or else, I'm off it!

    I appreciate all the replies! Thank you, Ladies!
  • wolt98
    wolt98 Posts: 62 Member
    I quit nursing and had the depo shotat about the same time and gained 28lbs. in a month! Part I figured was still eating like I was nursing but the doctor was alarmed and figured the depo was not the best choice for me. He then put me on the Nuvaring and I had no more rapid weight gain issues, was a great form of birth control while I needed it.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Not only did I gain weight but I also got pregnant while on Depo. Don't be scared, my Dr said I am one of very few, lucky me. :) I am happy that the little pain in my butt didn't work though, because now I have my daughter, who makes life fun again. I don't use it anymore and would tell my friends not to as well. It is nice not thinking about BC everyday, I got the shot every 3 mths but weight gain was an issue.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I was on depo and I ballooned! I am 5'7 and have always been 125 until my depo injection which after 2 years on it, I gained over 25 lbs..yikes!
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    I hated the shot for the weight gain issues. I gained 50 pounds after taking the first shot. (to be fair, I also met my husband and drastically changed my eating habits, but still..) I went on the shot (vs the pill) because I didn't want a period every month. That part of it worked.
  • Thank you for all the responses. I'm glad to know that maybe the research is true. My only question left is . . . .

    Is it possible to lose the weight on Depo?

    (I'm going to try before I completely make my decision to switch to something else. . . the pros are out weighing the cons at the moment, but if I gain anymore, I'll have to switch.)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    I am on the pill and I havn't had weight gain issues from it. If you can remember to take it, you may want to switch.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    The Shot is what started my weight issues, I was @ 110 before, and quickly packed on almost 20 lbs, with nothing different. For me the shot was a disaster!!!! My hormones have never been right again, and it's 10 years later. But your right, any hormonal birth control can do it!
  • The depo is your worst enemy and your best friend... I love the no period, no pills to remember FREEDOM!!

    Within the first month of the shot I had gained 12 lbs... I just lost all my weight from having a baby and POOFFFF !!!!

    I have never had a weight problem in my life, fluctuated from 135-145 and I'm 5ft7 so thats normal and I was fine with that. Now I am 175 and hate myself on the outside. I have never worn over a size 8 and now 12-14 is my life and I can''t stand it. The depo also caused me to lose my hair at a rapid rate. Bald and Fat yeah thats what we all want to be right? OMG...

    I say stay far away from the depo, it's like quick sand!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hormones will always affect everyone differently. That's why they make so many different forms and concentrations of birth control. Your natural estrogen/progesterone production, body fat, exercise routine, childbearing history...these will all influence how you react to birth control. I haven't gone on depo, but I am on a combination pill, and have found that I break through a lot the leaner I get because my natural estrogen production has decreased. So now I don't even react the the pill the same way I did a year ago, darnit! It will take several months for the hormone levels to regulate once again. Once I reach 19% body fat, I will have to go on a stronger pill with more estrogen to prevent my current problem of an incorrect progesterone:estrogen ratio. I discussed my weight loss and issues with my gyno before trying to make any changes, and he said it's better to wait for the regulation for a couple months than trying to switch pills over and over.
  • jschneider
    jschneider Posts: 41 Member
    The doctor explained to me that the weight gain from depo is a result of the increased appetite that it basically if you can fight the cravings...and still stay within your calorie goals there should be no weight gain:)
  • I have no advice about the Dept Shot, but might as well be a spokesperson for NuvaRing! :tongue: It goes in the day Aunt Rose leaves, stays in for 3 weeks and then Aunt Rose decides she needs to pay another visit & you through it out! :grumble: I've been using it for about 3 years now and haven't noticed any weight issues or hormonal freak outs at all. It's easy - you don't have to remember a pill!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    I gained 10 lbs in a few months on depo by the time it was time for another one i decided to go for a different form. I just remember being sooo hungry at night and just devouring ice cream. It was like 8 years ago. I did the nuva ring and i loved it, i had no side effects on it, and i lost the weight i had gained when i was on it not even by exercising just i think from not being as hungry.
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Hmm. I was given the Depo at 18. I did gain about 20 lbs over two years... but I also was binge drinking, eating terribly, and never exercising. After I gave birth to my son I went back on it and haven't had any issue with weight gain unless I eat pretty bad for a few days. (I'm also hypo thyroid) I exercise 6 days a week. I do remember having these crazy sweet cravings, but I figured it was just from depriving myself of them when I diet.
  • jocelynnbug
    jocelynnbug Posts: 78 Member
    when i was on that i gained 60 pounds and i was eating right exercising, i switched to yaz, and lost 10 pounds the first week it was weird
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I hated the Depo shot!!! i gained weight from it. it tricks your body into thinking you are pregnant.
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