Weigh ins

How often do you weigh? What day do you weigh? I am currently weighing only on Mondays because I feel like that will keep me in check over the weekend. What is everyone else doing?


  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    I weigh first thing Sunday morning
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I weigh almost every day, but I don't worry if I see fluctuations due to water weight gain.
  • skulcherry
    skulcherry Posts: 25 Member
    I weigh myself every morning but I only log in my weight once a week on Friday mornings. I check my weight every day to keep myself in check and make adjustments to my diet and exercise if I think I need it.
  • tryn2getright
    tryn2getright Posts: 10 Member
    I weigh in every tuesday.....i tend to eat more on the weekends.
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    I weigh in on Thursdays just because I started my journey on a Thursday. I do stand on the scale in between weigh ins but only record the weight on Thursdays.