Having trouble eating my calories

Is anyone else having this issue? Im having a hard time eating even 1200 calories a day.

Yesterday I only ate right around 1000 but by the time I got home in the evening it was 930pm by the time I sat down and I didnt want to eat anything before I went to bed.

This is the only day I've been under but most times Im only around the 1300 mark (MFP says I should be eating 1650 before exercise calories)

Any tips on how to get them all in? I just dont feel hungry most days ... like this morning, it's almost 10am and I still not feeling like eating my full breakfast ... :(


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    eat calorie dense foods-- peanut butter or unsalted almonds, greek yogurt, full fat milk/cheese-- there are tons of ways to get your calories in. There are also tons of threads on this topic so you can try the search feature to get more specific suggestions.