Bullet Express

So I ordered the Bullet Express from the infomercial. It arrived yesterday! (Not to be confused with the Magic Bullet - I have one of those too. (blush).

The Bullet Express came with a juicer. So last night after I assembled it, I pretty much emptied the contents of our vegetable bin into the thing and we all had fresh juice! It was very yummy!

Of course, the thing about juicing is that you don't get the fiber, but on the other hand, my daughter probably had her full 5 servings of vegetables for the day, and it usually takes her a week to get that all in!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to all the slicing, dicing, grating, shredding, and mixing it promises to do as well.


  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    I love my magic bullet! This bullet express is it worth it?!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    I don't know yet! I do love my magic bullet, too! The bullet express is probably just a glorified food processor. However, the price can't be beat. I spent over $200 on a food processor at Sears, and after about a year, the pieces warped and stopped fitting on the machine. Maybe I wasn't supposed to put them into the dishwasher!

    When I called to order, they "upsold" me on a bullet express that has a higher wattage or more power or something. I'd read some reviews of the Bullet Express that indicated it wasn't as powerful as the TV commercial promised, so I went ahead and ordered the "deluxe" version with more power. I also bought the extra cookbook with 101 recipes.

    For $130, to get a new food processor that also comes with a juicer is a pretty good deal. I'll keep you posted! I'm going to try to make pizza dough with it later this week!
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    My favorite juice in the juicer so far is :


    Sounds gross, but its very good. Added some sparkling water to it last night and it made it even better.
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    Oops, I meant carrots, APPLES, and mint.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Oops, I meant carrots, APPLES, and mint.

    That sounds really good! I hadn't thought of mint! I hadn't thought of herbs at all, actually. Gee, got anything else up your sleeve that I should try?
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    all of the juice recipes I use was included with the juicer. My boyfriend usually makes them, but next time I think of a good one, I'll let you know. Mint is really good in almost everything.

    We made a juice with beets and it tasted like dirt.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Bummer! I was thinking maybe I should try beets. I HATE cooked beets, have always hated them, they're just the yuckiest things in the world. I don't know if I've ever had raw beets, but I thought I might try them in juice. Dirt, 'eh?
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hmm, this is strange - I was typing this post, and hit the return key to start a new line, and the page reloaded and I lost the post. If by some magic, the post reappears, it will be incomplete. Oh well.

    Just wanted to post an update on the Bullet Express:

    1) The juicer rocks. I've had fresh juice every day since the machine arrived. Right now I'm drinking orange-apple-carrot juice, and it's yummy.

    2) I was a little intimidated by all the parts and components that came with the machine, so I decided to learn one function at a time. But last night my daughter asked me if I'm ever going to make anything besides juice, and if I'm ever going to make any of the yummy-looking things on the tv commercial. So last night I made pizza, and we were all very pleased. We finished the whole pizza. Of course, it takes more than 8 minutes to prep, and it's still a messy project. But for the occasional treat, it's worth it.

    3) Before I purchased the Bullet Express, I went online to look for reviews to see if it was everything the advertisers promised. Most reviews wre good, but there were a few reviews that said that when they used the machine for the first time, it began to smoke. That was a little scary. However, I figured out what the deal is. One time I didn't get the cover on the juicer attached just perfectly. So the spinning metal juicer component rubbed against the plastic on the cover. It didn't sound right, and it very quickly smelled like something was burning. I unplugged it quickly. A very thin tiny strip on the edge of the cover had burned right off. I cleaned everything up and tried it again and it was fine. Still, perhaps a bit of a design flaw. But I think burning the excess from the plastic edge solved the problem - (laughing nervously)

    Oh - and I didn't use the Bullet Express to grate the cheese - I used the Magic Bullet instead, which I still love. I also used the Magic Bullet to lightly chop the pizza toppings.

    Just call me Kitchen Gadget Girl. I probably should have chosen that as my username.