Hello...new to MyFitnessPal

My name is Ashley and i'm 27 yrs old. I have struggled with my weight most of my life...losing lots of weight and staying fit for a while and then gaining a bunch back and not being very active. I'd really like to maintain a healthy/low weight but I have 40lbs to go to reach my goal. My problem is sticking with healthy diet and exerciase for more than 6 months or a year...i'd like to make it a life long commitment. I've recently jonied a gym and my work outs there include the tredmill, weight machines, spinning class, the pool and and elecpical. Also, my cousin has me inspired to start training for my first 5K (mid Oct) so the past few days i have been walking 2 minutes, and then jogging 1 minute for about 30 minutes.

So any tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and also any tips for a newby jogger would be appreciated =) Thank you!
