Office Pantry

My office keeps a pantry full of treats, both healthy and not-so-healthy. I have the biggest problem stopping myself from grabbing the fun-sized candy, especially when it's the afternoon and my energy feels low. Any tips from successful resisters?


  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    We have one of those, too. I try to keep a couple of healthy options in my desk drawer, like a can of natural almonds, etc. When the urge to snack is overwhelming, I'll at least log what I plan to have into MFP first, and then look at my totals for the day. Some days, that little chocolatey snack fits right in, so it's not as if you can never have those...just need to make sure you're not eating 20/day, right? :)

    Related: I'm controlling my carb amounts, so tend to steer away from super-sugary soon as I eat ONE, it's game over for me and the 1 turns into so many more. Better to find other ways to deal with my boredom! :p
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    When the urge to snack is overwhelming, I'll at least log what I plan to have into MFP first, and then look at my totals for the day. Some days, that little chocolatey snack fits right in, so it's not as if you can never have those...just need to make sure you're not eating 20/day, right? :)


    I am in control of what is in our office pantry. We put snacks out for patients, so when I go shopping I intenionally only by healthy stuff rather than crap. That way if I do get the urge to snack I don't have to feel bad because the available stuff is good for you. We do however have a bucket of candy for our jar on the check out desk, but I find that unless I have to fill it up, I don't ever think about the mountain of candy sitting right at my feet. Doesn't affect me anymore. Lifestyle change all the way. Some days a person just needs a Reese's though and I just make sure it fits into my day and enjoy!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Pretty much what hdsgrl said. Find something else to keep at your desk like yummy protein bars or snack bars, nuts, homemade trail mix or even some instant oatmeal. And/or pack a filling afternoon snack - I like Chobani non fat vanilla yogurt with some berries. There are still days I hit the snack bar but I try my best to stay away.