Ideas for low calorie lunches?

Hi all!!

I was wondering if any of you have any ideas for filling, low calorie and most importantly yummy lunches?? Getting a bit bored of my usual weight watchers micro meal/ham salad sandwich etc...........any suggestions will be most appreciated!!

Ellie x


  • bb4886
    bb4886 Posts: 118 Member
  • whairigaila
    Soup, shop bought, with 2 slice of warburtons wholemeal small bread.

    80g of pasta made with 1/2 chicken stock cube and 1 tblspn of philadelphia light. Add boiled veg??

    Boiled egg, pitta bread and philadelphia.

    Pasta with 1/2 tub of shop bought low fat sandwich filler.

    Thats a selection of my lunches. I have a freezer in work and I keep ice poles in there for desperation moments!! xx
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Bring various healthy items together to make a lunch ..Not necessarily mixed together ( could if you really wanted to get interesting).

    Look at my diary I usually do 2 morning star vegan patties with hot sauce yogurt and veggies. THere are various flavors of said morning star products..

    Also why not do a chicken breast , throw some salsa on it and maybe some black beans..

    It doesn't have to be monotone, you can get various healthy ingredients together and get creative.
  • EllysJellys
    thank u - some good ideas there - i like the idea of chicken breast for lunch - could do a grilled chicken breast with a salad, sounds like a nice change to what i usually have!! oh yeah soup!! that autumn is practically here thats a good one too!! many thanks : )
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Do a quick search for healthy lunches and you'll find a few. This is my "go to" beacuse I always have the ingredients on hand:

    -1.5 Cups of brown rice
    -2/3 to a Cup of Frozen Peas
    -1/2 Can of Chicken

    It's between 350-450 calories depending on brands/sizes. Totally fills me up though (sometimes I can't finish it in one sitting so I reheat it for an afternoon snack.)

    Good Luck!
  • EllysJellys
    What canned chicken do u use?? sounds nice i love rice!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cheese and fruit always a good one for me. Sometimes I eat the cheese with wheat thins or sesame crackers of sometimes on a tortilla.
  • lippy1727
    Soup is filling and the right ones are lower in calories even better if you can make your own :-)
    I often have Yogurt and Granola for lunch this is mainly due to having bread for brekkie so dont want it for lunch as well.
    Tuna Pasta
  • Nurturegirl
    Nurturegirl Posts: 82 Member
    I like pitta bread or tortilla wraps filled mostly with salad veggies, a tbsp of salad cream and a very small amount of cheese.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Cottage cheese, fruit, whole wheat crackers & a veggie side

    Soup (broth based), whole wheat toast, fruit & veggie side

    Tuna salad with red pepper & green apple chunks

    Knock-off of Mickey D's - Grilled asian chicken salad with chow mein noodles (just a few) snap peas & mandarin orange sections (use Newman's Light Sesame Ginger dressing ...mmmm)

    Baked potato with Green Giant frozen brocolli & cheese sides ... these come in a 4 pack

    Favorite veggie side: 1 stalk celery sliced, 1/4 c frozen peas, 1/3 cup matchstick carrots. Add 2 Tbl Newman's Light Sesame Ginger dressing (only 38 calories). Can sub in 1/2 c frozen french-cut green beans (stays crunchy ... stay away from regular frozen beans ... to watery to eat raw).
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    You can look at my diary
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    What canned chicken do u use?? sounds nice i love rice!!

    I use Kirkland (Costco Brand). It's a bit more than their suggested serving if you use half the can (3.5 ounces compared to their suggestion of 2) but I find the extra protein is worth it.

    I also pack a couple healthy snacks during the day - I can't make myself eat Breakfast... here is what my day looks like:

    5:30 - Get up and Workout (either a 2 mile jog or 20 minutes of Tae Bo)
    6:00 - Shower, get ready for work (pack lunch and snacks)
    7:00 - Leave for work
    8:30 -1/2 cup of Red Seeded Globe Grapes
    9:30 - Half a "Jif To Go" with 7 Baby carrots and 1/2 a green bell pepper
    11:30 - Brown Rice, Peas, Canned chicken (Salt and Pepper to Taste) & Nature Made Super B-Complex (with Vit C & Folic Acid)
    12:00 - 1 mile walk
    1:30 - Orange sliced thin sprinkled with Sea Salt (This squashes my salt craving and is lower cal then pretzels or chips)
    4:00 - 1 small Apple (with remainder of "Jif To Go")

    When I get home tonight I'll do 30DS and dinner with my prenatal (and maybe dessert if I have any calories left).

    I like finding low calorie "meals" so that I can snack all throughout the day.
  • EllysJellys
    thanks for all your suggestions you have given me lots of new ideas for lunch times!! : )