Depressed by Counting Calories?

I know this is probably a dumb topic/question but i'm just wondering if anybody else finds themselves depressed/frustrated with counting calories? I've tried taking breaks from it and just watching what i eat, but then i seem to gain or feel fat but at the same time i'm Soooo sick of counting every day....i just feel like if i don't then all my hard work is gonna go to the wind. :P


  • figueres3
    figueres3 Posts: 104 Member
    It IS a lot of work... takes time to do it... I find it depressing too, but I know what happens if I don't, so I just keep at it...
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I get tired of counting calories, too, but the way I try to look at it, is that this website and the process of counting calories are tools to help me reach my goal. Reaching a healthy weight is super important to me, and I know I'll reach it quicker if I use all the tools available to me! Plus, I'm hoping that developing discipline when it comes to eating, counting calories, etc. will roll over into other areas of my life.

    Keep your chin up! At some point, if you stick with it, you won't have to count calories quite so rigorously because you'll be so good at it that you'll know what type of foods you can eat together and what foods you have to make special sacrifices for, etc. Most of us aren't there yet - I know I'm not, but I look forward to it!
  • pattitricia85
    I get sick of it all the time. So I figure i can be stressed out/annoyed by counting calories (but lose weight) or I can be stressed and annoyed at myself for gaining. Either way I'm thinking about it all the time, and it is something i will prob have to do forever. not very inspirational i know... once you reach your goal you won't need to be so rigid and it does get easier!!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I guess it is my OCD tendencies, but I actually like it. I feel more in control when I'm counting calories.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Yep, it gets old...then it's ok...then it's old. Depends on my mood, but it's worth it.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I don't find it depressing but sometimes I just don't want to log on and enter everything. But I do it anyways to stay on track.
  • LauraKate
    "I get sick of it all the time. So I figure i can be stressed out/annoyed by counting calories (but lose weight) or I can be stressed and annoyed at myself for gaining. Either way I'm thinking about it all the time, and it is something i will prob have to do forever. not very inspirational i know... once you reach your goal you won't need to be so rigid and it does get easier!!! "

    i guess this is how i feel, but i have reached my goal so now i feel like i do but i don't need to track calories. it's so annoying! lol.....
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Have you tried logging everything the night before you eat it? I plan my day the night before, and then stick to it. That way I don't feel like I'm just calorie counting all of my food all day long. I just have to follow my plan and not worry about the numbers.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    I've been like that my whole life. Just the whole notion of monitoring myself makes me mad. I don't like being micromanaged by other people, and I don't even like being micromanaged by myself!

    I've tried writing my calories down in notebooks, etc. which I hated. This place makes it soooooo much easier, and that helps.

    Of course, I always get depressed when I eat what seems like not so much, and then I realize I don't have many calories left for the rest of the day. It just seems so unfair!

    However, when I saw how my calorie alotment boosted when I did some exercise, that was fun. So sometimes when I just can't stand it and I give in to eating something I didn't plan on (like cookies, etc.) I can exercise some of it off. And I'm not much of an exerciser yet - I'm working up to it. I look forward to the day when I can put in a really good workout!

    So yes, it's a bummer counting calories. It's annoying. On the other hand, my clothes feel annoying, my belly sitting on my lap is annoying, and being winded just walking up a flight of steps is annoying.
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    I find it really restricting. I fight with the calories and then just get fed up by the afternoon and then I over-do it. I am in a vicious circle. Thankfully the pounds are slowly (did I mention slowly) coming down but not as I'd like. Then I feel bad that I over-did it and it makes me eat more. Ugh.
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    Have you tried logging everything the night before you eat it? I plan my day the night before, and then stick to it. That way I don't feel like I'm just calorie counting all of my food all day long. I just have to follow my plan and not worry about the numbers.

    That's a good idea. Perhaps I will pack the food as though I'm going to be out of the house and hope that helps.
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Try to think positive about this, in time, if you persevere you will find you know how many calories is some foods without looking it up and it will be second nature.

    Don't give up!!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I actually like tracking it and don't get tired of it at all. It really helps me stay on track.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    I actually like tracking it and don't get tired of it at all. It really helps me stay on track.
    Me too. In fact, I'm rather obsessed with planning my food for the day, and it has helped so much!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    I find it really restricting. I fight with the calories and then just get fed up by the afternoon and then I over-do it. I am in a vicious circle. Thankfully the pounds are slowly (did I mention slowly) coming down but not as I'd like. Then I feel bad that I over-did it and it makes me eat more. Ugh.

    I can relate! I do the same thing. On some days, after lunch, I realize I only have like 300 calories for the rest of the day, and I figure what the heck, if I'm hungry, I have to eat, right?????? I'm in that spot today.

    I'm heartened to see that your pounds are coming off, even if slowly. I've been afraid that I won't be losing weight at all if I don't get my butt in gear!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I know this is probably a dumb topic/question but i'm just wondering if anybody else finds themselves depressed/frustrated with counting calories? I've tried taking breaks from it and just watching what i eat, but then i seem to gain or feel fat but at the same time i'm Soooo sick of counting every day....i just feel like if i don't then all my hard work is gonna go to the wind. :P

    yeah i am trying to not count them anymore. but sometimes i have to. it is hard, but i think if you just remind yourself what you are putting in your mouth and what you have already ate, it can work in theory. maybe only log half your cals a day or something, and then just try to eat the other half and not log them. slowly ween yourself off.