south beach diet

Is there any way to use this with the south beach diet?


  • jessicawilliams76
    Hi there, not sure exactly what you mean with this question...

    I have heard that the South Beach Diet is similar to the Atkins diet, however you don't need to do all the tedious calorie calculations, and the main difference being that South Beach diet aims to wean people off bad carbohydrates. It is supposedly meant to replace bad fats and carbs with good ones.

    I found this article that goes into a bit more about it so you can decide from there I guess. Has got some solid information:

    Hope this helps. :)

  • dianediaz
    dianediaz Posts: 53 Member
    I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but in my opinion, you are far better off just using MyFitnessPal and skipping the South Beach Diet. Diets, South Beach, Atkins, any of them really, actually do not work long term. Any "diet" t hat has you eliminate some type or category of food will, in the sort term, produce results. But, once you go off the diet and back to eating the foods that were eliminated, such as carbs, you will probably gain weight. It's far better, and easier to sustain over your lifetime, if you just use the calories in/calories out method. That's why tools like MFP and the Weight Watchers diet (which really isn't a diet but about learning healthy eating and portion control) work and can be used for the rest of your life.

    I think a good thing to keep in mind is that healthy eating and portion control are not a diet, they are a lifestyle. This is how one "should" eat and exercise. "Diets" don't teach us anything and the plan they put you on is something that will probably not fit into a normal life in the long term.

    Just something to think about. Take it or leave it. Good luck!
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    I'm on SB and use MFP to log everything too. Most the recipes for SB items are already in here. You just might want to change your Carb/Fat/Protein rations to 30/20/50 or something like that so that protein is higher than carbs and fat.

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you want! I don't follow SB as strict as I used to, but still am a firm believer in its successes.

  • Nu_Journee
    South Beach Diet is not an actual diet if used as intended. It is a lifestyle change in which you consume lean meat, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The name and how people use South Beach is misleading because the word"diet" doesn't meant the restriction of calories for weight loss but to define the foods and drinks you regularly consume. Yes, Phase1 (2 wks) restricts a lot in order to break one's additiction and cravings to sugar. It does not allow fatty meats and such like Atkins does. in the end if used properly you will eat lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains with everything else in moderation for life which is how we are suppose to eat anyway. As a diabetic I have been told by my doctor it is a good choice and read the book from beginning to end. If this is done as a lifestyle you will not gain the weight back. Most people use it, do phases 1 and 2, don't bother with 3 (lifetime/maintenance) and gain the weight back.
  • Nu_Journee is right, it is a lifestyle change. You are not meant to be starving yourself of food, but just eating healthy foods. This is just common sense really. If you continue to eat bad fats and carbs then it just makes it harder to lose weight short term and then keep it off for the long term. So it really is a case of deciding if you are committed to being healthy and slim long term. Then making the adjustments set out in South Beach program will be easier, and ensure you completed all phases.

    So to answer your first question, yes I don't see why you can't use myfitnesspal with South Beach Diet, you can count your calories if you wish. It's just not mandatory. South Beach program also includes weight tracking.

    I would eat smaller meals but more frequently. So instead of 3 big meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) I would break it down into 5 meals. You can snack in between on fruit and vegetables. Like raw carrots, bananas, apples... etc.

    The point is if you can eat food that is easier to digest and wont stick to you like bad fats then you will be able to eat a normal amount. Eating foods that are harder to digest will sap your energy, which is another reason to eat smaller meals and more often. So by doing this you will have more energy and speed up your metabolism.

    You can drink a small amount of tea and coffee, but during all phases it is suggested you drink plenty of water. Water is needed to keep our energy levels up and also is a good appetite suppressant. Many people eat when they think they are hungry when in actual fact they are dehydrated and thirsty, and should therefore drink water.

    So drinking more water is again a lifestyle change, but actually what you should be doing anyway. Most people tend to drink sugary drinks like coca cola, coffee etc. Eating healthy foods rather than junk foods that are harder to digest and sap your energy is again a lifestyle change.

    Adding in exercise will give you the motivation to wanna eat healthy. I know from experience that when I just get back from a run, the last thing I crave is a burger and chips. I actually want to eat a healthy meal like salad, fish etc.

    The feedback here also proves it is a lifestyle change:
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    South Beach Diet is not an actual diet if used as intended. It is a lifestyle change in which you consume lean meat, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
    Sounds like a traditional diet to me. Don't be scammed by the gimmicks and a new face on "clean" eating.
  • jenrhodes
    jenrhodes Posts: 1 Member
    So I just did my first weigh-in on day 12 of phase one on southbeach and I can't believe it but I lost 12 pounds!! I am sticking with this eating plan for sure! Oh and that's with no exercise other than some leisurely walking on the weekend. I'm going to add that in starting next week so I'll see how that goes.
  • CearaFiyalady
    First day, starting at 124. :( I plan on doing phase one for four weeks along with the Marquee workout plan (supposedly burns 500 calories an hour) and my usual runs...just amped up a little. I'm hoping to drop 20 pounds in a month. I've been trying to drop weight for a photo shoot/trip home to visit family and friends, and my anniversary with the hubby. All coincidental landing in about four weeks. Wish me luck!
  • tammiann61
    tammiann61 Posts: 27 Member
    I love SBD, it's not a "diet" it's a new way of eating and cutting out sugars and bad carbs. I lost 13 pounds on phase 1(phase one lasts 2 weeks) I moved to phase 2 with introducing complex carbs and still lost weight, I had off 25 pounds in no time! It's a great way to eat(I won't say diet)