Why am I always bloated?



  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    I had a similar issue because I had intolerances to wheat, gluten, dairy and red meat. After I cut those out it got better but I have to be really careful that I dont eat large quantities of food at once, that I dont eat gassy foods like beans and brocoli frequently and that I always take a probiotic. I take Acidopholus with bifidus extra strength and it seems to help. Also you can try drinking peppermint tea when you do feel bloated or dandelion leaf tea. Try to eat slower as well because you might be swallowing too much air with your food causing your stomach to distend with oxygen. Drink lots of water and if regularity is a problem with you try incorparating 1-2 tbsp of flaxseed daily into your diets. Dont forget to eat healthy fats as well because they are what lubricates the intestine. Good luck! its taken me years to figure out my stomach lol :D

  • katema62
    katema62 Posts: 15
    Dairy, carbs and certain sugars make me bloat...even Stevia is a culprit of bloating.
    Taking an enzyme helps too...eating very small portions. Apple Cider vinegar does help ...make sure you dilute first.
    But if you are bloated all the time and at normal weight...it is could be due to yeast overgrowth. Just taking a few antibiotics a few times in a lifetime will cause it. Sinus, allergies, bloat are the symptoms.
    Try a good yeast cleanse or use candida clear or even caprylic acid which is coconut. Check out the Acid/Alkiline Diet---tons of websites. Good luck...
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    Definitely try a probiotic.

    My bloating in the main was down to coeliac disease, but I still suffer from it, sensitive gut I guess. I don't eat many legumes and I eat less grains than I used to. Probiotics, warm water with lemon juice in the morning, Omega 3 oils (they help the gut repair itself) and avoiding fizzy sodas, as well as beans, peas, onions and garlic which are gas producing foods.
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    I have lots of food sensitivities as well. Sometimes looking at food makes me bloat! One of my coworkers told me about a probiotic called "Floragen". They keep it stored in a fridge so you have to ask for it behind the counter, but it's nonprescription. I've been using it now for about 3 weeks and it's been very helpful with the bloating/gas. I'd try it out. Good luck. :)

    I try so hard to keep my sugar down but it usually comes from fruit anyways... But Ill try harder, thank you :)
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    Bump! I have this problem as well. Only thing that works for me beides elminiating dairy!) is taking Apple Cider Vinegar 2x/day. Tastes terrible, but I see a difference.

    My mom drinks that... Ill try that too, than you :)
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    I cut out meat, dairy and soy. This helped tons!

    I don't eat any of those....
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    (Bump) A pro-biotic all the way, this helped me a ton. Plus drinking the right amount of water. Good luck with all the new good advice everyone has provided, hopefully one of these will be your solution. Make sure to let us know what works for you.

    I will :)
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    i ate clean for 3 weeks, sooo bloated, its the veggies.

    Even when I didn't eat veggies I was this way....
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    i cut out all sugar and grains. i do eat cheese and butter sometimes, but eating lots of fat, meat, and good veggies has COMPLETELY gotten rid of my bloating.

    Oh man I cant imagine eating that way..... I don't really like meat and hate butter lol
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    Are you on any type of BC pills? I had the same problem and it turned out being different BC pills. I also agree with the veggie comments - too many raw veggies can cause some major bloating!

    I used to be but went off of it and no change.... But veggies are so healthy!!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Water, Water and more Water!
    Find out how much sodium you eat.
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    Dairy, carbs and certain sugars make me bloat...even Stevia is a culprit of bloating.
    Taking an enzyme helps too...eating very small portions. Apple Cider vinegar does help ...make sure you dilute first.
    But if you are bloated all the time and at normal weight...it is could be due to yeast overgrowth. Just taking a few antibiotics a few times in a lifetime will cause it. Sinus, allergies, bloat are the symptoms.
    Try a good yeast cleanse or use candida clear or even caprylic acid which is coconut. Check out the Acid/Alkiline Diet---tons of websites. Good luck...

    What kind of carbs? Well I have taken a lot of antibiotics in my lifetime... Ill try that, thank you :)
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I am a 19 yr old female. I eat super clean during the week but not so much on the weekends.. I have a couple food intolerances ... I work out at least 3 times a week.... I weigh 118 lbs and am not fat but still want to lose some weight. No matter how much I lose though I still have this belly like I'm 4 months pregnant... If I flex my abs then it sucks in an I only have a little fat on top of them. My doctor sucks and says take Metamucil but that didn't work... I don't know what to do, I'm tired of sucking in my stomach when I'm not even fat.
    Thank you

    Lactose intolerant. "Milk" chocolate and cheese in last two days worth of diary posts. It doesn't take much to bring on bloat. Eat the icky tasing dark chocolate and get your calcium through some other means than cheese or dairy. Also, take a probiotic and a lactase pill for a while to see if it helps. Also, quit rollercoaster dieting. You're either a clean eater, or you're not. Your body wants ONE lifestyle, not two.

    I didn't see your weekend food but if there are any baked goods in there, you could have Celiac like me and get bloat from that (as well as intestinal damage).
    Good luck figuring it out.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I still see small amounts of dairy, meat, and soy in your diary. Oatmeal can contain gluten and could be causing problems because of that, or you could be sensitive to grains other than just gluten grains. Other things I see in your diary that could cause problems: cabbage, kale, beans, large amounts of fruit at a time; any of those things can produce a lot of gas/bloat. Then of course, anything you are sensitive to could cause problems.
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    I am a 19 yr old female. I eat super clean during the week but not so much on the weekends.. I have a couple food intolerances ... I work out at least 3 times a week.... I weigh 118 lbs and am not fat but still want to lose some weight. No matter how much I lose though I still have this belly like I'm 4 months pregnant... If I flex my abs then it sucks in an I only have a little fat on top of them. My doctor sucks and says take Metamucil but that didn't work... I don't know what to do, I'm tired of sucking in my stomach when I'm not even fat.
    Thank you

    Lactose intolerant. "Milk" chocolate and cheese in last two days worth of diary posts. It doesn't take much to bring on bloat. Eat the icky tasing dark chocolate and get your calcium through some other means than cheese or dairy. Also, take a probiotic and a lactase pill for a while to see if it helps. Also, quit rollercoaster dieting. You're either a clean eater, or you're not. Your body wants ONE lifestyle, not two.

    I didn't see your weekend food but if there are any baked goods in there, you could have Celiac like me and get bloat from that (as well as intestinal damage).
    Good luck figuring it out.

    You must not have read my diary very clearly because its ALMOND cheese! And the chocolate is a healthy omega-3 chocolate.
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    I still see small amounts of dairy, meat, and soy in your diary. Oatmeal can contain gluten and could be causing problems because of that, or you could be sensitive to grains other than just gluten grains. Other things I see in your diary that could cause problems: cabbage, kale, beans, large amounts of fruit at a time; any of those things can produce a lot of gas/bloat. Then of course, anything you are sensitive to could cause problems.

    The only dairy I eat is my grass fed, no hormone whey protein. The only meat in there is seafood, and the soy is non GMO which I do not eat often. The veggies you just mentioned, I never eat. The only reason I am eating them tonight is because my mom is making dinner. I do not eat large amounts of fruit at a time. I do not have a farting problem so its not gas that's causing my bloat. If I am sensitive to all grains, then that's going to suck because I love oatmeal. I'm not giving up beans.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I think that you are not understanding there is a difference between "unhealthy" and "intolerant". I don't think anyone here is accusing you of eating things that are unhealthy. Please don't take it that way.

    Your diary does include:

    meat - besides the fish and seafood, also progresso chicken and vegetable, elk burger, chicken and cheese enchilada

    dairy - the whey you mentioned, and milk chocolate, can still cause problems if you are intolerant. Your almond cheese has casein in it too, which can be a particularly nasty milk protein. Also swiss cheese triangles at Subway, Dairy Queen blizzards, sour cream and chive vegetable chips, chicken and cheese enchilada, Cheese - Lucerne Mexican Four Cheese Blend, etc.

    You are getting soy daily with your shakes. It doesn't matter if they are gmo or not, if you have a problem with soy protein.

    And that's just in the last 10 days. Remember that a food can cause an inflammatory response in your body that lasts for several days, so even if one day is clear of all food intolerances, your body could still be reacting to foods from a day or two ago. One tiny exposure to milk will bother my son for five days.

    When I'm talking about eating a lot of fruit at once, I'm talking about your smoothie breakfasts, where you have four or five servings of fruit at once. Some days there is a lot of fruit in your snacks too, but of course that could be spread out through the day, I don't know. Some people are very sensitive to fructose or to tropical fruits.

    You are right not to immediately drop all grains or beans. I wouldn't either. I am grain free, but believe me I did not eliminate them at the drop of a hat! It was a last resort.

    You might want to keep a food journal. You're already writing down everything you eat, but maybe start tracking how you feel each day, if you notice any difference in your bloating, etc. Pay close attention if you have a good day, especially! Those can be key! Keep track of your period during this time too, you will probably notice that you bloat more the week before your period hits, which is unrelated to the foods that you eat.

    If you wanted to narrow down what foods were bothering you, I would first eliminate the foods with long lists of ingredients, stick to foods that you make from scratch or that only have two or three ingredients. You don't necessarily have to do this all at once, but I might, for example, first eliminate the shake mix for breakfast. It has an enormously long list of ingredients. Even if they are all "healthy", if you are reacting to one of them - or two or three or more - then that's a problem. There are a number of ingredients that could cause bloat, particularly the sea vegetables, barley, and soy. Give it up for a week and see if it makes any difference, it's an easy tweak to try.

    Meat and dairy can be pretty inflammatory, as has been mentioned. I wonder about all of the almond milk and cheese. Almonds are pretty high on the allergen list.

    I hope that one or two of these points will help you or may help you think in a direction that will lead to answers. I am in no way trying to criticize you or your diet. I am not saying you are eating unhealthily. I am just looking for the foods that might be causing ongoing problems with bloat.

    Good luck!

    I still see small amounts of dairy, meat, and soy in your diary. Oatmeal can contain gluten and could be causing problems because of that, or you could be sensitive to grains other than just gluten grains. Other things I see in your diary that could cause problems: cabbage, kale, beans, large amounts of fruit at a time; any of those things can produce a lot of gas/bloat. Then of course, anything you are sensitive to could cause problems.

    The only dairy I eat is my grass fed, no hormone whey protein. The only meat in there is seafood, and the soy is non GMO which I do not eat often. The veggies you just mentioned, I never eat. The only reason I am eating them tonight is because my mom is making dinner. I do not eat large amounts of fruit at a time. I do not have a farting problem so its not gas that's causing my bloat. If I am sensitive to all grains, then that's going to suck because I love oatmeal. I'm not giving up beans.
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    I think that you are not understanding there is a difference between "unhealthy" and "intolerant". I don't think anyone here is accusing you of eating things that are unhealthy. Please don't take it that way.

    Your diary does include:

    meat - besides the fish and seafood, also progresso chicken and vegetable, elk burger, chicken and cheese enchilada

    dairy - the whey you mentioned, and milk chocolate, can still cause problems if you are intolerant. Your almond cheese has casein in it too, which can be a particularly nasty milk protein. Also swiss cheese triangles at Subway, Dairy Queen blizzards, sour cream and chive vegetable chips, chicken and cheese enchilada, Cheese - Lucerne Mexican Four Cheese Blend, etc.

    You are getting soy daily with your shakes. It doesn't matter if they are gmo or not, if you have a problem with soy protein.

    And that's just in the last 10 days. Remember that a food can cause an inflammatory response in your body that lasts for several days, so even if one day is clear of all food intolerances, your body could still be reacting to foods from a day or two ago. One tiny exposure to milk will bother my son for five days.

    When I'm talking about eating a lot of fruit at once, I'm talking about your smoothie breakfasts, where you have four or five servings of fruit at once. Some days there is a lot of fruit in your snacks too, but of course that could be spread out through the day, I don't know. Some people are very sensitive to fructose or to tropical fruits.

    You are right not to immediately drop all grains or beans. I wouldn't either. I am grain free, but believe me I did not eliminate them at the drop of a hat! It was a last resort.

    You might want to keep a food journal. You're already writing down everything you eat, but maybe start tracking how you feel each day, if you notice any difference in your bloating, etc. Pay close attention if you have a good day, especially! Those can be key! Keep track of your period during this time too, you will probably notice that you bloat more the week before your period hits, which is unrelated to the foods that you eat.

    If you wanted to narrow down what foods were bothering you, I would first eliminate the foods with long lists of ingredients, stick to foods that you make from scratch or that only have two or three ingredients. You don't necessarily have to do this all at once, but I might, for example, first eliminate the shake mix for breakfast. It has an enormously long list of ingredients. Even if they are all "healthy", if you are reacting to one of them - or two or three or more - then that's a problem. There are a number of ingredients that could cause bloat, particularly the sea vegetables, barley, and soy. Give it up for a week and see if it makes any difference, it's an easy tweak to try.

    Meat and dairy can be pretty inflammatory, as has been mentioned. I wonder about all of the almond milk and cheese. Almonds are pretty high on the allergen list.

    I hope that one or two of these points will help you or may help you think in a direction that will lead to answers. I am in no way trying to criticize you or your diet. I am not saying you are eating unhealthily. I am just looking for the foods that might be causing ongoing problems with bloat.

    Good luck!

    I still see small amounts of dairy, meat, and soy in your diary. Oatmeal can contain gluten and could be causing problems because of that, or you could be sensitive to grains other than just gluten grains. Other things I see in your diary that could cause problems: cabbage, kale, beans, large amounts of fruit at a time; any of those things can produce a lot of gas/bloat. Then of course, anything you are sensitive to could cause problems.

    The only dairy I eat is my grass fed, no hormone whey protein. The only meat in there is seafood, and the soy is non GMO which I do not eat often. The veggies you just mentioned, I never eat. The only reason I am eating them tonight is because my mom is making dinner. I do not eat large amounts of fruit at a time. I do not have a farting problem so its not gas that's causing my bloat. If I am sensitive to all grains, then that's going to suck because I love oatmeal. I'm not giving up beans.

    I forgot about the soup I had and the elk burger was a rare thing. I hardly ever eat red meat... Yes the cheese enchiladas and the blizzard are meat and dairy. I don't eat those things often and would never eat them but that's how my boyfriend eats. I went vegetarian for about three weeks at one point a while ago and was still bloated.. How am I getting soy daily? My shakes are homemade with Vega powder that does not contain soy... I never thought about being sensitive to fruit or almonds. Thank you for all your great advice :)