
So I'm thinking about buying one..but don't know much about them or have tons of money to spend on useless crap. Has anyone used one that thought it was helpful/unhelpful? All input appreciated and feel free to add, daily MFPer. Thanks!


  • Rita619
    Rita619 Posts: 4
    I just ordered mine last night. I have a few friends that have one & they really like them. Mind you it does only help if you use it and use the information it provides to make changes.

    I am with you on the fact that if I spend that kind of $ I had better use it. For me that alone is motivation to do so & move more. One of my friends, who tends to have a competitive side, tends to find motivation by comparing her totals to her friends and she likes to be at the top of that group.

    When mine comes I may also be looking for other users to hook up with. Nice thing about the sync feature - can't fake myself out about what I've really done.

    Hope this helps.