"I lost 20lb just by..."



  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I wonder what it is that makes it so hard for some people to lose and others so hard to gain.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    When I was younger I used to be able to lose weight just by dropping my daily chocolate bar. I could still drink, eat largely what I wanted, I did some exercise but no where near what I do now. Maybe my metabolism was higher then (although I doubt it) so how I used to do it I don't know... But I wish I could do that now.

    Jealous of people who can drop weight easily?.... Yep, you bet.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I live with one of these people. I am married to one of these people and as much as I love him, I want to strangle him at the same time. I stopped buying regular coke for him and bought coke zero - he lost 10 lbs. I started sending him a banana and yogurt in his lunch instead of banana bread or blueberry muffins, he lost 8 lbs. I have been cooking healthier at home for all our meals and after the guilty look on his face this weekend when he came out of the bathroom I found out he has lost 32 lbs. Good for him but really, twice as much with half the effort not fair, lol!

    Take away toast and he may disappear completely!!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Does anyone else die a little bit on the inside whenever they read or hear comments about how someone lost loads of weight just by doing something really simple, like switching to diet coke/cutting out mid week drinking/changing to skimmed milk etc?

    I've cut out booze completely. I've switched to diet drinks. I've got rid of my car so have to walk more. I've made a ton of tweaks and you know how much I've lost this year? About 3lb. 3 f*cking pounds. In 8 months. I'm happy for the people who have lost weight but it feel like a punch in the stomach as my efforts are going nowhere.

    Am I alone with my bitterness?

    I agree it can be demoralizing when someone post a large or rapid loss with something fairly simple.

    However, in most cases I don't think that there's any malice intended. It just skews our expectations of what we can/should be doing.

    Let's face it, weight loss isn't always linear, there are plateaus and weird stalls etc. and when its all said and done, I've yet to hear a clear explanation of those anomalies. People simply mindlessly chanting 'calories in calories out' which can be even more demoralizing to someone that's doing all that they know.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Have you been checking other stuff, like measurements of waist etc?
    Looking at your weight, it seems you haven't got a lot to lose in the grand scheme of things.
    If you add in actually doing exercise you're less likely to lose lean mass; while people just cutting but not doing much may well be losing a fair bit of muscle too.

    I lost quite a bit recently, but I had a fair bit to lose in the first place - and for me it was massively cutting down calories and doing a lot of heavy lifting.

    There was a program on TV a while ago where they took skinny people and forced them to eat way more.
    Most put on fat. One actually pretty much just put on muscle, despite doing no extra exercise! Most of them found it very easy to lose weight again after.
    The vast majority of us are somewhere in the middle of course and it's just a case of getting the basics sorted as far as fat loss goes - ie that calories in vs calories out :P.
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    Oh man... I just started watching what I ate, stopped eating a few key foods, and stopped buying things that were high cal that came in packages with lots of servings. (Like string cheese and nutella)

    Yeah I've lost 20lbs in 6wks. I bike to work/everywhere though... mostly I just don't eat half a 1.65quart at a time, though.

    I am/was 70-100 pounds overweight, though. Now I'm 60-75 overweight. I don't go to the gym or do anything every week, I just work retail and bike.

    I'm only 25 though so my metabolism hasn't started slowing down yet (one of the reasons I decided to seriously start losing weight)

    I think I may just secretly have an alright metabolism, sorry!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    one of the warehouse guys was up in the offices today and the owner asked if he lost weight. THe guy said he lost 30lbs just by eating more protein and cutting out junk food.
    The owner said, "wow, you're wasting away to nothing!"

  • LiveLife256
    I feel your pain :) I bike 100 miles a week and have done this since June faithfully, eaten my limit or under and have not lost one ounce. If I didn't like biking so much and enjoy the view I probably would quit but I think about my heart and how it is at least getting a workout and in the the big picture... I guess that is what counts.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Drink water instead of soda. Diet soda doesn't mean it's good for you just because it has 0 calories. Also, have you had your thyroid levels tested?
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    That is because losing weight is hard and requires tremendous patience and no "I've been good today so I get to eat _fill_in_the_blank_" It is really simple, eat less move more. But it is hard. If it were really so easy more people would be successful.

    Whatever the trick, it comes down to eat less, move more. But you can't exercise away too much food.

    eating less makes you lose fat

    exercise (especially weights) makes you keep or build lean body mass.

    cardiio has health benefits, keeps your heart strong,etc.

    It is that simple and that hard.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Does anyone else die a little bit on the inside whenever they read or hear comments about how someone lost loads of weight just by doing something really simple, like switching to diet coke/cutting out mid week drinking/changing to skimmed milk etc?

    I've cut out booze completely. I've switched to diet drinks. I've got rid of my car so have to walk more. I've made a ton of tweaks and you know how much I've lost this year? About 3lb. 3 f*cking pounds. In 8 months. I'm happy for the people who have lost weight but it feel like a punch in the stomach as my efforts are going nowhere.

    Am I alone with my bitterness?

    Presumably you're overweight as you're keen to lose some. Therefore you must have been putting on weight before you cut out all those things. How much were you putting on? Whatever it was you have halted it, stopped the increase, turned things around

    Doesn't sound like your 'efforts are going nowhere' to me
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I live with one of these people. I am married to one of these people and as much as I love him, I want to strangle him at the same time. I stopped buying regular coke for him and bought coke zero - he lost 10 lbs. I started sending him a banana and yogurt in his lunch instead of banana bread or blueberry muffins, he lost 8 lbs. I have been cooking healthier at home for all our meals and after the guilty look on his face this weekend when he came out of the bathroom I found out he has lost 32 lbs. Good for him but really, twice as much with half the effort not fair, lol!

    Men that don't cook and eat the food placed in front of them and in the fridge for them often will drop weight effortlessly. A friend of mine did that with her husband. He lost 75 lbs that way. She lost well over 100, and turned her pair of red jeans into two mini skirts for her three year old daughter.......
  • bensmommy1117
    Look at how much the person weighed to begin with. Someone < 150, has to put forth more effort than someone like me (>250) to drop pounds, simply because your body has way less to give up. 10 lbs for me is only .04 percent of my weight! Don't be discouraged, you will get there!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Bah to positivitiy. I need people to fist wave with me. :tongue:
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Does anyone else die a little bit on the inside whenever they read or hear comments about how someone lost loads of weight just by doing something really simple, like switching to diet coke/cutting out mid week drinking/changing to skimmed milk etc?

    I've cut out booze completely. I've switched to diet drinks. I've got rid of my car so have to walk more. I've made a ton of tweaks and you know how much I've lost this year? About 3lb. 3 f*cking pounds. In 8 months. I'm happy for the people who have lost weight but it feel like a punch in the stomach as my efforts are going nowhere.

    Am I alone with my bitterness?

    Presumably you're overweight as you're keen to lose some. Therefore you must have been putting on weight before you cut out all those things. How much were you putting on? Whatever it was you have halted it, stopped the increase, turned things around

    Doesn't sound like your 'efforts are going nowhere' to me

    Gained weight eating too much bacon and drinking too much beer. Being as I'm a tee-total veggie that tactic has failed. I'm not going back to meat though, and I'm not drinking again until my dry year is over. Weight loss or not, I set out to complete a challenge and I'm going to complete it.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    PS. I rarely drink soda. Mostly I live on water and herbal tea. A lot of herbal tea.
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233

    Am I alone with my bitterness?

    Hell no i'm there with you too!

    But then I know I could always work out harder or eat less crap etc etc so my bitterness is shortlived & often turns into guilt which then walks me over to the fridge :cry:
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member

    Am I alone with my bitterness?

    Hell no i'm there with you too!

    But then I know I could always work out harder or eat less crap etc etc so my bitterness is shortlived & often turns into guilt which then walks me over to the fridge :cry:

    I love you.
  • Crazyjoe11
    I wonder what it is that makes it so hard for some people to lose and others so hard to gain.

    Genetics - blame your mother and if that doesn't work, blame your grandmother or if really stuck - your mother in law.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I wonder what it is that makes it so hard for some people to lose and others so hard to gain.

    Genetics - blame your mother and if that doesn't work, blame your grandmother or if really stuck - your mother in law.

    I tried not to laugh at that. I failed.