What's my activity level?!?!?!

When I first joined MFP I had my activity level at sedentary. I have a desk job and did not get much exercise. I started going to the gym daily, walking most places I went, and swimming or joggin at night. My question is should I change my activity level to being more active on here? I am still pretty sedentary duriing the day, but am putting in the effort to lose the weight.


  • Rik756
    You asked my EXACT question and searching for the answer only brought up your post... Hopefully we'll both find out soon!
  • kathycaudle
    your body will adapt to a specific type of exercise. you need to up your game. with the swimming/gym try adding/increasing resistance, changing the type of exercise you do. with the walking, I would continue that, but maybe add hills if possible- you can do this with a treadmill or stationary bike that has a programmable routine on it. Good luck!!
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Are you logging your exercise? If you are then you don't need to change your activity level as the exercise log will add the extra calories.