Ever try logging your entire day in the morning

While at work i was thinking of what i wanted to make for dinner...logging this meal 4 1/2 hours ahead of time helped me to see what the best way to prepare or best choices were for me tonight .... or if you pack lunch logg as you pack so you know what your working with... may work for some and not for others but just thought I would put it out there and the great thing is that if you dont follow through with what you logged you can change it! Any thoughts?????


  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I log my whole day in the morning. If anything changes I can adjust it but I'm usually spot on. This works best for me but I'm sure others have different ways that work for them.
  • jess393
    jess393 Posts: 220 Member
    I tried it, it's not for me, lol! I know a few people who do it and are able to stick to just what they've allotted themselves for every meal, but I can't ;/
  • loztredders
    I log my entire day the day before usually, that way I know what I'm going to be eating tomorrow and also if I have any lee way for impromptu treats or not.
  • JessicaMurch5515
    JessicaMurch5515 Posts: 150 Member
    I do it the night before when I'm packing lunch for the next day. It also helps me figure out what's for dinner the next day instead of doing something fast and last minute like hitting a drive thru.
  • BARBY1956
    I try to log my entire day in the morning. At least breakfast and lunch and any snacks. If I know what I am having for dinner I will log that as well. That is sometimes difficult because I don't always know what my husband has planned for dinner. (He's retired now and does most of the dinner meal prep.) I seem to stick to my food choices better if I plan ahead and log them ahead of time.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I do it all the time.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I pre log if I am going to work as I make breakfast/lunch/snacks the night before. Usually I make dinner as well the night before so will prelog that if I do.

    I find you can always change it - add/remove stuff but it gives you a good idea of where you have wriggle room or what you have too much/not enough in.

    As you can tell today I really like the /// apparently :embarassed:
  • kaseymei
    kaseymei Posts: 164
    This method seems to work for me as well. It helps me keep on track and keeps the guess work out of "what am I going to eat today".
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    I do alot usually in the mornings before I eat anything, I try to plan ahead as much as possible. It also helps me to stay on track especially if I have already alerted my FL that my diary is complete :smile:

    I may not always do the whole day but at least mornings and afternoons I'm able to plan ahead regularly. This way I havent already eaten the food and I can sometimes mess around with what im going to eat to get the appropriate carb/fat/protein I desire and maybe have some leftover cals to save or snack on later. Ideally I would do this every single day.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I try and log days in advance so I know what I can have and whether I have any wiggle room. I do often make changes to meals but generally it works well for me.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I log my whole day in the morning. If anything changes I can adjust it but I'm usually spot on. This works best for me but I'm sure others have different ways that work for them.

    I agree, I do this as well.

    I use my diary more as a "budget" and adjust at needed; i.e. 'didn't eat the chicken breast for lunch, so I switched it for tuna'.

    I close it out in the morning as well.
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    I log my entire day first thing in the morning. This helps me stay within my limits! If I switch something up last minute, no big deal!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I pre-log almost every day. Decide what we're having for dinner, get the recipe created here, plan, weigh, and pack my lunch and three snacks.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    As of right now, I have most of my meals pre-logged through Sunday morning. I will adjust them as the time comes, but I often plan ahead.
  • RetroSnowflake
    I do this most days, it's a lot easier to stop myself from snacking because I've usually done the full day and a few calories below the target and wouldn't want to go over for a cookie or something like that.
  • MonicaMeeks
    MonicaMeeks Posts: 15 Member
    I don't do it but, it sounds like a good idea for individuals that know what they will be eating ahead of time.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    That's how I do it, to the best of my ability. I set myself up with my constants, and can always take them off if I don't eat them, especially snacks. It's a lot easier than doing it at the time, I think!
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    As of right now, I have most of my meals pre-logged through Sunday morning. I will adjust them as the time comes, but I often plan ahead.

    How do you do that?? I have a lot of constants through the week, I'd like to have it already set up!!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I do this almost every day. I log not only my meals for the day, but any snacks I plan on eating. That way my whole day is layed out for me, and it leaves less room for error. And I know if I have enough calories left over for any unexpected munchies that may come up.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I log 4-5 days in advance. I make up my menu, log it, and write down my grocery list so I never have lots of extra stuff around the house to tempt me. I know exactly what and when I'm eating.

    ALso if something unexpected comes up, like I decide to eat out, I can see how much is left in my day and fuss it around to fit.