"in-between" clothes?



  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    Buy as needed. I've lost 123..and let me tell ya, you can go broke just keeping up with pants alone!

    Personally, I buy as little as possible, especially underwear and stuff like that. I wear it until it literally falls off of my body. The same with shirts. Pants are a different story of course. Just buy one or two at a time. It helps if you get neutral colors so that you can wear them with lots of different outfits.

    Occasionally I WILL buy a complete brand new outfit if there is a special occasion coming up like weddings or a huge family function. Things that you would ordinarily buy brand new for anyway. BUT if you just need clothes to get you from A to B, I agree with everyone else....good will and thrift stores are the way to go for everything but undergarments. Those I refuse to buy new for obvious reasons. A lot of them are still in fairly good order and once you get them them home and wash them no one can tell the difference.

    And PLEASE keep in mind that you don't need brand name everything until you are at your goal weight!! Except for a few items (like weddings, family reunion type things) buy as cheap as you can because they will all be replaced eventually!
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I'm going through that as well. I usually just buy one pair of jeans and a couple shirts to get me through. Trying to hold off buying untill christmas or my B-day. I can just ask for gift cards to go shopping!

    The part that bums me out was my new suit I got just a bit less than a year ago. It is like a tent on me now. I'm going to need another one soon.
  • PatrissiaLu
    I have lost 40 pounds and still wear most of my old shirts and some of my old jeans with a really tight undershirt that helps hold them up...lol. I've purchased new clothes only because I wanted to award myself for my weight loss by going on a little shopping spree...I'm okay with going shopping again for more clothes once I lose more weight ;-)
    But, something that the girls around the office have done is they've been rotating their clothes as they've lost weight too... so I let my co-worker have my old size 18's and 16's, my other co-worker let me have her old size 12's and 14's, another co-worker let her have her old size 8's, etc. Other option, secondhand store!
  • GrammyPammy145
    GrammyPammy145 Posts: 48 Member
    I am having the same problem... 18's are too big.. some 16's fit but others wont zip.. I found something that fit nice and bought two of them..lol And I've been to Salvation Army.. they actually have some nice things.. and for 2 or 3 dollars!!!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Leggings and vest tops u
    I lived in while I was still shrinking weight lol x
  • tlsayers00
    tlsayers00 Posts: 4 Member
    I've lost 62 lbs so far, and I took all my clothes to a seamstress here in my town and for around $30-$40 she took them all in and it was like having a new wardrobe. I think I'm about ready to take them to her again to take them in a little more.
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    I am in the same boat. I just bought about $150 worth of clothes a month ago as I could not wear the clothes I was in before. I just noticed this week that they are already getting loose on me. The shirts I can wear big for a bit, but the pants will have to last with the belt cinched tight. Hang in there.....it is a wonderful feeling. As was stated before.....feel like a new person when you get into clothes that fit right.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I am just starting to really deal with this. Fortunately, I wear a lot of skirts & I sew, so I can take them in.

    For bras, I just bought a couple a band size down and made a little extender, which I can take out when it fits right. Some shirts I can add a little tie onto to tighten them up. As for T - shirts, there is not much I can do with them except to replace them.

    At my size, I rarely have much luck at the second-hand stores, but I may start frequenting them again to see if I can find some things in the next size down.

    Men's clothes are much more challenging, it's difficult to take in a pair of jeans or a dress shirt. To be honest, I would just bite the bullet, find somewhere inexpensive, and pick up a couple of things. They won't be part of your regular "at goal" wardrobe, and you probably won't be in them long. But, if your current clothes are way too big and are driving you crazy, it may be your only good option.
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    I usually check out my favorite designer.....Clearance! I've found some great buys on the clearance racks! Bought a denim skirt and black dress jacket for $1.99 each. Last February I got two pair of cords for $4 each! If it isn't marked down or on the clearance rack I don't buy it. As for the clothes that have outgrown me I used to give them to a co-worker until the sizes got too small...now they go to Goodwill.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My clothes fit loosely now and will fit looser still (I hope). I decided last week I"m not buying anything new because it's too expensive and I don't know what my final weight will be.

    As a woman, I can do lots of things with my blouses that can make them go up or down a size. And I'm tall so I can gain or lose 40 pounds and just change one size. Skirts and dresses are really forgiving. Pants are harder, but I have belts and can easily take in a tuck or add a pleat.

    You can add a bit of elastic at the back and it will take in the slack while you wait for your weight to stabilize.

    If you get stuck, there is also my favorite store - Goodwill. Mens clothes tend to be particularly nice and inexpensive (says the woman with three guys in her family).
  • jessicae1aine

    Also, over the years I have accumulated a lot of "me-at-240-clothes." I know I shouldn't keep them (to tempting!), but some are pretty nice. I'm sure I'll donate them to charity...

    Tailoring might be an option. Either paying someone to do it, or learning for yourself - or find someone who would like to learn?
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    My gym actually does a once-a-month clothes swap. It's a bring an item, take an item type of thing.

    Wow, best idea ever...

    I would suggest taking your nice stuff to the alterations people at Nordstrom. They'll make it fit beautifully and give you your money back if it doesn't.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Goodwill/Salvation Army

    Our Goodwill even has 50% off one Saturday a month.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    buy a couple of basics and a good belt!
  • kickers19
    kickers19 Posts: 63 Member
    Since my weight loss journey, I've lost 30 pounds and have had the same issue.. When I notice none of my clothes are fitting, I take a trip to a second hand store and pick up a few items. I'd rather spend 2$ on a shirt than 20$ that's hopefully only going to fit for a couple months...Congrats on the weight loss, keep it up!!
    That's my two cents, hope it helps.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    A lot of extra holes made in this belt. Also using fabric ones that fasten wherever without holes.

    Have been wearing some of my old house mate's clothes which he left in the loft!

    At a 29 or so waist don't think I'm going to get much slimmer, but I may get bigger as plan to do a fair bit of 'working out' to put some muscle on, so don't want to spend money until I'm at a position that I can.
  • RichardJWalter
    RichardJWalter Posts: 78 Member

    Thanks for the insight, advice, and encouragement.

  • mehaffeymk
    mehaffeymk Posts: 154 Member
    one word for those in between times....


    my saving grace.