Does this MFP thing really work?! Argh.

emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
I started this whole thing about 2 weeks ago and I am completely enthralled with MFP. I log every day and I'm usually under by 500 calories or so. I just need some reassurance from those for whom this has worked that I really can lose weight even by meeting my calorie goals; I really want this to work. This is a great tool for me because I have always done starvation diets before and a little voice keeps telling me that that is the only way you can really lose weight.


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,227 Member
    Yes it works when you use it as designed. That means eating all your calories including the ones you burn exercising.
  • MrsMangler
    MrsMangler Posts: 63 Member
    I'm not always perfect with my calories, but MFP has help me learn how to eat. My diet is much cleaner now, and I'm eating more mindfully. In the past, I would eat beyond the point of fullness, and not plan for special days or events when I know I would eat out of control. My calories were way too high, and now I am much more aware of what I need to do to achieve a healthy lifestyle. I have a plan now, and MFP keeps me accountable.

    You can do it! Just stay honest with yourself, and you will be on the right path!
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    This has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and yes it work....:drinker:
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    Yes. It works. :) Have faith. Once you learn portion size and how to select the right food with the correct calories from the list it will help. Make sure you log every food and don't cheat. I say that because I used to cheat here and there and wasn't aware of just how many calories my cheating cost me. Good luck. :)
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Yes it works. I went and had a look at your diary when you mentioned you were often 500 under though concerned you may not be eating enough, but I see you are hugely high on sodium alot. If you don't already know, that will cause water retention, so it will work better if you work on that.
  • lis_4582
    lis_4582 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh it works!!! I can tell a HUGE difference in how I eat and exercise when I use MFP and when I don't. I was doing so great for a while... coming in under my calories, working out hard, and dropping those pounds. Then my boyfriend and I moved in together and boy did I get off track! I know now that it pays for me to have to be accountable for what I consume. I love seeing my calorie count come in under goal. Sometimes it's only a few but hey... small victories are still victories!! Keep going!!!!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Bump for small justice!
  • BeantownSooner
    It certainly works and as others have said think small steps. When looking at your diary I'd suggest being a bit careful on the fast food stuff when you can. While you need to live and enjoy those treats try to keep them to the minimum vs. several times a week. Try to work whole foods into your meals with a balanced mix protein, whole grains, fruits, veggies and good fats. As an example, instead of the French Baguettes a whole grain wheat one would be better. One other recommendation I would make is to think about changing the Macro nutrient levels. You can do this by going to goals and then custom. Just change the Carbs, Protein and Fat to something more balanced as the MFP default is a bit low on Protein and when trying to lose weight high on Carbs. Perhaps a 40% Carbs/40% Protein/20% Fats or 40%/30%/30% is a better mix to shoot for. When you eat those "white" grains the can leave you feeling hungry more often so having that mix of whole grains, veggies and protein will add good amounts of fiber to your diet which help you feel full longer.

    Lastly, try to make Breakfast your best meal of the day as it sets you off on the right foot. Introduce some other meals to make it a bit more flexible as making eggs every morning can be a challenge all the time. For example, here are my typical breakfast food that I rotate depending on what I feel like (and how much time I have):

    - serving of oatmeal, cottage cheese or greek yogurt with some fruit
    - eggs: either hard boiled (1 whole and 2 egg white) or an omelet (try 1 whole and 2 egg whites--you will not know the difference); whole grain wheat toast, slice of lowfat cheese
    - High fiber/protein cereal such as Kashi GO Lean w/ fresh fruit or serving of cottage cheese/greek yogurt
    - Protein shake with frozen fruit and a banana