Female Fitness and Weight loss support group

Hi Ladies!
I am currently looking to assemble a small group (4-6) of girls who are looking to lose about 10-15 pounds and implement a healthy excerise regiment in to their lives. Participants will be required to document and share all meals & exercises. I will also strongly encourage the sharing of any recipes, tips/ advice, motivational material, struggles/ questions... etc.

A little about myself- I am a busy, working 20-something looking to drop 10 pounds and add lean muscle tone. I do my best when working with others and consider myself quite knowledgeable in the subject of nutrition! I'm looking toward to sharing my good information and, most of all, find inspiration from you guys!

We will start our own private group and post there. I would like to accomplish my goal by the end of September. However, I can always use motivation and support and would love to keep it open so everyone has time to reach their goal/ stay on track.

Please message me/ respond directly to thread to participate!


Edited by gretchann917 on Wed 08/29/12 08:25 PM


  • bear_28
    bear_28 Posts: 59 Member
    Me! I want in! :bigsmile:

    I'm Dhennie, 26 yo and I've been with MFP for 5 months now.. I'm 5'2" starting at 132 lbs and currently at 125. Trying to lose the last 10lbs. Recently upped my calorie intake to 1330 (from 1200) as I find it too restricting for me. I exercise 5-6x a week, rotating around the JM vids that I have. I am looking into including strength training by next week.

    I would love some inputs on eating healthy because I'm struggling in that area. I go over my calorie limit most of the time and I feel bad about it. I would love some more motivational friends to go through with this journey. I have nothing much to offer as I'm a newbie in fitness, but I'm pretty good at cheering for friends all the way! ^^,

    We can do this! Cheers! :drinker: