Help! Im still a size I dont know about!!!

Hi guys, ive been using my fitnesspal for 8months, ive been really working at getting rid of my fat, ive lost 65 pounds but i still have a stomach, ive recently started doing alof of ab workouts but it been a size 18 for a while now (was a 24) and im still really frustrated that my stomach isnt going down in size its still very fat. Any tips?

Also i wasnt sure with my flabby arms, how to get rid of them ive been weight lifting but i still have flab in my arms (commonly referred to as bat wings) They sag they are fat, do you have any tips on that?


  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Keep on losing weight. Unfortunately, you cannot spot reduce, so it will come off when it comes off. I tend to "chunk down". In other words, when I lose weight, it comes off toward the top of my torso, then a little lower, then a little lower, etc. Don't stop the weights though...when the extra flab is gone, you will look super toned. Until then, though, it will hide under the flab. I know, that sucks...that's life.