Doing it for myself?

I am 25, weighing almost ten pounds for each year that I have. When I was born, I was my mom's smallest child at only 5 pounds and 6 ounces. How did she manage to do that? She craved only hoagies, which implies that she ate a lot of them and swam everyday. So how could someone so active have a child become so large? Quite easily if you believe in Genes and the influence that they can have on your body. My grandmas are all cushy and comfortable and I love the way they are. They and my mother are built to invite the small children to cuddle in their lap and have lullabies sung to them, but all it does for a small child is invite ridicule.
So the question that I find others and myself asking is, AM I DOING THIS FOR ME? I have spent my whole life being picked on because I was large, but I ate anyways. I think of the delicious taste of food and I cant imagine dieting. But I also think of all the fashions that only go up to size 14 and all the beautiful girls that can dance and get boyfriends and have fun with out people picking on their size. I wonder. I want to say that I am doing this for myself, lowering my chance of heart disease and type II diabetes, but I am doing it so that I can finally look the way I feel.


  • :) I have faith in you, and I'm here for you to help you as much as possible.
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    Am I doing this for myself or others? Good question. I always tell myself each time I start to try to get healthier that I am doing it for myself, but it really used to be mainly so others wouldn't judge me by the way I look.

    This time around though, it is 90% for myself and my health and only 10% because of other peeps. The better I look and feel in smaller clothing is an added bonus that I am willing to endure :)

    Glad to read the post of another newbie to this site.