Success without supplements (Your thoughts please)



  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    what supplements are you referring to?

    I take iron because I have thalassemia. Even if I ate red meat everyday I'd still struggle with my iron levels.

    I take vitamin D occasionally as I've had low vitamin D levels in the past. My skin doesn't absorb vitamin D from the sun well.

    I take magnesium after intense workouts.

    I rarely touch protein shakes, I'm not a fan of them but there is the occasional time I have one.

    And that's about it. I don't have a problem with supplements but they're just that, they're supplements. They're not replacements

    Referring to supplements like CLA, Phedra Cut, Metabolism boosters.
    Thanks everybody for sharing!! My boyfriend is joining me from next week on this weight loss, toning up process.
    He believes supplements is a big part of the process, because he has had success with it the previous time.
    Personally I think it maybe helped the weight loss to go a bit faster, but overall, it was the exercise and healthy eating that's the main thing.

    Appreciate all for posting your thoughts ;-)

    It depends if you're planning to just lose weight or really targeting your body fat / ripped. :happy:

    If you want to really cut that fat. You need to maintain your muscle (added protein) you can eat lots of steaks and chicken breasts or if you're like me who don't even like meat then you can eat lentils and other pulses and fart all day. :-D That is why I have protein shakes.

    Also in order to get the body to break down the existing fat, you need some help to trick your body into it. You can go on a high protein diet, trigger ketosis in your body or use supplements such as CLA, lecithin, inositol and choline etc.

    I personally don't take CLA or any other supplements. Just a regular, very good quality multivitamin. (Centrum Advance or Pharmaton). When the body calorifically deficit.. it will lack one thing or another, but the body is very efficient and will adjust to this. You can either wait for the body to adjust (whether it's crack on the tongue or hair loss or sore gums) or you can just alleviate the side effects with a supplement.

    (Full fat) Milk contains ALL vitamins the body needs except vitamin C which is in most fresh fruit and vegetables. (Think of little babies!)

    So really, in actual fact, there really is no need for supplements.

    I wish you all the best of luck. xoxox
