Is there a site to record your steps around the world?

I have kind of a weird question. My sister is in this fitness challenge at work where each office in her company throughout the US are broken into teams. Every day each team member enters how many steps they have taken during exercise (recorded by a pedometer) and it tracks how many miles the company has walked by plotting it out around the world. For example as of today, the company teams as a whole have "walked" from a starting point of New York, USA to Tokyo, Japan. At the end of the challenge, the office that has "walked" the farthest will earn gym memberships for each team member for a year (great prize huh! I wish I worked in her office!).

Is there anything like this for regular people or runners as a way of tracking their steps? The website her company uses was set up and is maintained by an in house IT department so its private and not something a regular person can log into. Since my main exercise is power walking, I thought it would be fun to see how far I walk while reaching my fitness goal. I use a pedometer and keep a log in a Word document...but it would be a lot more fun and encouraging to see that I've "walked to London" or something fun like that rather than just a number that I tally up occasionally. Does anyone know of a site like that that I might have missed?


  • adaplas
    adaplas Posts: 17 Member
    Endomondo? If you record a new workout using the sport Step Counter, you can also save the number of steps you have taken. They also have stats such as number of trips around the world, to the moon and how many burgers you have burned.