Runners-when do you REFUEL and what type do you use?



  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    I'm a proponent of deprivation training. I don't use any fuel on a run of any distance (up to 21 miles, currently). This trains the body to more efficiently use it's own energy sources. Same thing with fluids. I don't use any sports drinks. I rarely take water as it's just not necessary unless it's really, really hot. There is no performance degradation until around 5% of body weight lost in fluid, and no real physical signs of dehydration until you get closer to 10%. Most of us are never even going to come anywhere near that rate of loss. My last 20 miler, I weighed before and after and I lost 5.5 pounds on a mid 70°F day. That's about 4.5% of my body weight. I finished with negative splits, running the last two miles faster than any other mile.

    All that being said, I will do one or two long runs with the gel that I plan to use in a race. For a HM, I will take one gel at an hour. For a marathon, one every 45 minutes. So, I test this on my long run, just to make sure they settle well on my stomach.

    this^ I pop a gu (chocolate outrage w/ caffeine) after an hour, but sometimes just gut it out. I think it helps to make your body work a little from time to time. It's a fine line though, and if you are a beginner (like me), you need to exercise some caution. I have personally witnessed people doing the "kickin' chicken" from heat stroke before. It isn't pretty. Err on the side of caution and every once in a while, give deprivation a shot, but have some water handy, just in case.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    bump for later
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    Hammer Gel is tasty that or the cliff gell block are my fav. - the blocks are harder to eat on the run. on gell is good for a half but its optional. i like to fuel periodically during the marathon. every few miles ore so. so at least 4 times.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    It's all preference, but just make sure you do the same thing on race day that you do during training.

    I think if you eat a good, filling meal beforehand, you would probably be fine...but I tend to run in the morning and so I don't have a lot of time for that.

    So I usually do a Clif bar before, and then a gel or a pack of Clif Shot Blocks about 8 miles in. I like the Shot Blocks because you don't have to eat all of them at once.
  • jsickman12
    jsickman12 Posts: 139 Member
    I don't usually use any fuel for running, I just make sure that I have enough food before the run. Ran a few marathons, disagree with the guy saying you don't need water, hydration is more important than anything for me, and I always make sure I bring water or have a place that I can stop for water.

    On long bike rides i love the PowerBar Performance Energy Blasts, they are gel filled chews, great energy they are like gummy bears so they are easy to eat while you go. Amazon is the best place to buy all these things, much better deals, you just have to know what you want first.