WTF??? How could I have gained 2.5 pounds??

I am consistently eating between 1400-1600 calories. When you look at my diary I do drink at least 90 oz of water and eat veggies, I just don't usually log them unless they have calories. I wear a fitbit and I have at least a 300-600 calorie deficit a day. I had ONE cheat day this week, but there is no way number-wise that I should have gained 2.5 pounds this week. And no- it's not my TOM.

I weight train 3 days a week (yes, with REAL weights- not cute pink ones) and cardio twice a week and daily walks. Plus, my job has me on my feet the majority of the day.

Help either with advice or just some "hang in there" support. So frustrated!!!


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Your sodium has been a little high the past few days. Truth be told, mine's usually higher, but I know I tend to float a few pounds higher than when I keep it below 2000mg.

    Also, weight lifting can cause the number on the scale to be a little higher, too, with fluid retention and glycogen stores.

    That's why I prefer to track my progress through fitness goals, how clothes fit, measurements and photos. The scale isn't king.

    Also, by your ticker, you only want to lose five pounds. If that's the case, 1200 might be too low. Set your goal to a half pound a week, and don't focus so much on the scale.
  • b_mour
    b_mour Posts: 7 Member
    What have you ate lately. Did it have alot of salt. When I do one meal of fast food, it normally gives me 2-4 pounds weight gain. Not because of eating the calories, but due to water weight gain. It takes me 2-3 days to get that water weight off, if I keep check of my salt intake.
  • WorkLifeBalance
    You probably gained 2.5 pounds of muscle with your weight training schedule. Replacing muscle with fat is a good thing...
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    nooo way! :noway:

    that is so annoying when it happens, does it happen regularly to you or occasionally?

    Maybe its just fluctuating, or water weight probably.. It happens to me sometimes even If I know for a fact that I havent overeaten and its sometimes when my system is full (like if I havent gone to the bathroom for a week or so but soon as I do the extra false weight goes too) could that be your case as well?

    Please do hang in there and convince yourself it will go away soon, that it is just a fluctuation and that you are doing everyting right :flowerforyou:
  • rce884
    rce884 Posts: 47 Member
    That happend to me one week. my doctor said it is natural sometimes you dont lose, it is a fluctuation and perfectly normal. also (as i am sure you know) if you burn too many calories, your body will hoard them. causing weight gain.

    either way, way to go on your determination and comittment. that is awsome.
    i personally use thewii wich is one step down from girly pink weights! lol

    I Know how discouraging it is. and i know it makes you want to give up and go eat hagen daz, well it makes me want to give up and eat hagen daz. but hang in there you sound like you are doing everything right.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You probably gained 2.5 pounds of muscle with your weight training schedule. Replacing muscle with fat is a good thing...

    If it was that easy to gain muscle, everyone would look like professional bodybuilders, and professional bodybuilders would be jobless.
  • annoz
    annoz Posts: 68 Member
    Your sodium has been a little high the past few days. Truth be told, mine's usually higher, but I know I tend to float a few pounds higher than when I keep it below 2000mg.

    Also, weight lifting can cause the number on the scale to be a little higher, too, with fluid retention and glycogen stores.

    That's why I prefer to track my progress through fitness goals, how clothes fit, measurements and photos. The scale isn't king.

    Also, by your ticker, you only want to lose five pounds. If that's the case, 1200 might be too low. Set your goal to a half pound a week, and don't focus so much on the scale.

    That's the generic ticker- I want to lose 20 pounds. Thanks for your reply.
  • endureandpersist
    endureandpersist Posts: 59 Member
    No big deal. Water weight gain. Digestional backup?
  • leilamarchi
    That's why I prefer to track my progress through fitness goals, how clothes fit, measurements and photos. The scale isn't king.

    Also, by your ticker, you only want to lose five pounds. If that's the case, 1200 might be too low. Set your goal to a half pound a week, and don't focus so much on the scale.

    This. My life has gotten so much less stressful since I stopped bowing down to the scale. As long as I'm within the healthy weight range for my height, I'm more interested in having my clothes fit well than in carrying a weight measurement in my head all day.
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    I just gained 3 pounds looking at your pic!!! :noway:
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 230 Member
    Time of the month? That can throw you out see what happens next week.
  • samlankford
    yeah apparently I gained 4 lbs over night.. I know it is the higher salt intake over the past few days so I am not worried about it... clothes are still baggy as hell, still lost inches in chest, waist, hips and thighs... wish the scale would not have gone up but, hey that is life right!!:bigsmile:
  • annoz
    annoz Posts: 68 Member
    My clothes fit the same- I have been at this for 7 weeks and am not even 5 pounds down. So frustrating!!
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    Did you have a cheat day or a cheat meal? Just so you know, when i have a cheat day/meal i typically gain 3-4 pounds! I'm pretty lean so a lot of that is water weight, but it's pretty normal for me. However, when I'm looking to cut weight (as i did recently) i never cheat. it's only after i've reached my goal that i allow for that.

    So hang in there! You may want to monitor what you are eating and adhere strictly to it without cheating. But if you do allow yourself a cheat meal here and there, just know that you WILL see an increase in the pounds... its normal.
  • CantonMan1234
    CantonMan1234 Posts: 142 Member
    It could be (as previously stated) water retention, gaining muscle, or simply because you weighed yourself at a different time of day that usual and your own bio-rhythm is the cause. Don't worry and keep doing what you're doing. (Which is great by the way)
  • tburnelis
    You probably gained 2.5 pounds of muscle with your weight training schedule. Replacing muscle with fat is a good thing...

    When I started working out and trying to drop weight again it took almost 2 months to see my weight go down. But in that 2 months I lost about 2% body fat, over 2 inches at the waist, and gained inches across my shoulders, arms, and thighs due to building muscle.

    So if your following a good workout routine it is very possible your replacing fat with lean muscle which is offsetting your overall weight loss.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    You probably gained 2.5 pounds of muscle with your weight training schedule. Replacing muscle with fat is a good thing...

    can't tell if trolling, or just really uninformed :huh:
  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    So funny you posted this since I am thinking the EXACT SAME THING!!!

    Actually haven't updated my weight here because I just dont want to see the graph line shoot up **3** pounds. also, I have my monthly weigh in tomorrow and I know that last week I weighed 3 pounds less.

    Eating great, exercise is annoyed!
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    I feel your pain. I've been trying to lose 5lbs for 6 months now! It could be water could be more muscle holding onto the water (it needs the water to repair itself)...
    It's harder for those of us who do exercise regularly. You may lose 3 lbs next week...
  • Jingram2b
    I am consistently eating between 1400-1600 calories. When you look at my diary I do drink at least 90 oz of water and eat veggies, I just don't usually log them unless they have calories. I wear a fitbit and I have at least a 300-600 calorie deficit a day. I had ONE cheat day this week, but there is no way number-wise that I should have gained 2.5 pounds this week. And no- it's not my TOM.

    I weight train 3 days a week (yes, with REAL weights- not cute pink ones) and cardio twice a week and daily walks. Plus, my job has me on my feet the majority of the day.

    Help either with advice or just some "hang in there" support. So frustrated!!!

    A few things (without knowing how much you weigh -- that matters when you're talking about how many calories you're consuming and your activity level):
    1. 2.5lbs isn't a lot. - that can be water retention. Be sure to weigh yourself at a consistent time (morning, afternoon, night, etc.) when you weigh yourself. If you feel like you should weigh every day, take a three-day average to compensate for the normal fluctuations. I'd actually recommend weighing every couple of weeks, if not longer increments. This stuff takes time. Don't stress over daily measurements. Look at the big picture and trends.
    2. I know this will sound odd, but you might want to stop doing cardio workouts. Provided your 3x/week weight training is as challenging as you indicate, the cardio is not necessary for your weight loss (and could be hindering it). You said you were on your feet for your job -- that, along with the intense weight training, is more than enough for you to lose weight. Unless you just love running or whatever you're doing, you can drop it altogether.
    3. Eat more protein.
    4. If you're plateaued, an adjustment is needed. We'd need more information to determine what is needed.

    Hang in there.