Help me pick my restaurant meal!

So, I don't have a particular goal in mind (I'm not looking to eat exact macros or anything). My only goal would be to stay within my calorie range (under 1800 calories/day) without having to starve at breakfast and lunch and still be able to have an evenning snack of approx. 300-350 calories.

So, for breakfast, I'm having a bagel with cream cheese. (350 cals)
For lunch, I'm having vegetable soup (3 cups) (260 cals).
I don't want to modify my Breakfast and lunch but here is where you come in!

I'm going to a restaurant that I've never been to this evenning with my work-mates for my manager's going-away.
Here is the choice of entrees that "interest" me.
I found the menu really difficult because most things that are listed aren't what I would call calorie-concious.
Can you help me pick? Which do you think would be the "best" choice (calorie-wise)?

Here are my picks:
1- BDT Club Sandwich
Semi cooked foie gras with fleur de sel and Christmas spice. Cranberry chutney à la Messe de Minuit (with a side-salad)

2- Duck and Hops Burger from Île du Grand Calumet
Duck, pork and hops from the Pontiac region patty with portobello mushrooms, melted brie and Obwandiyag field berries marmelade (with a side-salad)

3- Québec Lamb Burger
Seasoned with coriander and mint, with red pepper hummus, and house made lemon confit cream cheese pread (with side-salad)

4- Tennessee Jack Beef Burger
With La Nuit des Temps onion confit, bacon, Monterey Jack and Jack Daniels BBQ sauce (with side-salad)

Thank you!!!
I find it really hard to pick when you have never been there and have no idea what these plates look like.


  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Dear god, #1 sounds so AWESOME!
    Not sure about the calories

    can you get a half sized order of whatever you pick? That may help.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Dear god, #1 sounds so AWESOME!
    Not sure about the calories

    can you get a half sized order of whatever you pick? That may help.
    I don't think they offer half-sized orders.
    This is a brewery. Seriously, its what I like to call a "meaty man" sort of place. I don't know how my coworker would react if I only ate half the burger too... *sigh*
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Even though I don't know what half those foods are, they still sound delicious! :happy:
    If you are not wanting to alter your breakfast and lunch, I would chose something and only eat half.

    When you search the database you might could find things closely related to the items.

    Does the restaurant have any nutrition info online?

    But, most importantly ENJOY!!

    Edited to say: After I wrote this, I looked at your photos, you look GREAT girl!! I say you enjoy your meal and not worry about it :bigsmile:
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    No nutrition info
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    The worst part is that nothing on the menu really interests me that much :(
    I just feel obligated to go there.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Just looked at the BDT menu on line -they have a nice grilled veggie and goat cheese sandwich in the same menu section as you other picks - it might be better all things considered. The lamb and foi gras will be high cal, if you don't want the veggie burger, its probably a toss up between the duck/pork berger vs the bacon cheese burger.

    Old-Hull Veggie Sandwich
    Grilled vegetable sandwich with fresh goat cheese from cheese maker Les Folies Bergères, on sourdough bread

    How about the kabobs with the grilled veggies as a side?
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I was thinking of the kabobs... then again. those grilled veggies sound like they are dripping in oil..."Grilled Vegetable Salad
    With basil, arugula, beaded oil and grilled pepper coulis "

    Ugh.. looks like I might be stuck with a veggies and goat cheese sandwich ... ugh.
    Maybe that's what I will go for.... so difficult to chose from.

    I'm really wishing they had a simple grilled chicken sandwich/burger.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    You can always ask the server to have them hold the dressing on veggie salad - or go with the chickpea or Greek salad. they all sound great and would go with any of the kabobs.

    Just remember its only one meal! Make the best choice you can , enjoy the company of friends and move on!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    This is at a brewery?! Girl, use those calories on BEER!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Pick what you want and enjoy it! None of those things is likely to fit in your calories from the looks of it... one meal over is not going to hinder your progress!
  • Magnamus
    Magnamus Posts: 66 Member
    Pick anything you like at the restaurant but only eat half.
    Avoid the buns, dressings and such.
    You'll likely come out with about 500 to 600 cal for your time out.
    That's the trick I use and It makes choosing a lot easier.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    3 and 4 sound the most appetizing to me, but that's only because I think the idea of foie gras is disgusting and I've never tried duck.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I would guess the lamb under number 3 simply because I have a lot of lean lamb recipes at home
    foie gras is pure fat

    the bacon cheeseburger will be over 1000 cals
    duck is very fatty too but the mix may lean it up

    also I find it very odd that they have hops on their menu as hops have a very limited season but I guess they are coming into season now (the cones) - the shoots (which I love) are normally only available around spring (May? ) Of course, I didn't see where you are from either so that would change the growing season too :-)
  • celb500
    celb500 Posts: 76
    burger without the bun is always a good option :) take out the majority of the cals by eliminating some carbs. Avoid cheese too if you can because that is high in fat so I would say the burger that doesn't have cheese without a bun :) you may have cals left over for beer or wine :)
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    Lamb Burger would likely be your best bet. Good luck! And of course, enjoy regardless :)
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    I was thinking of the kabobs... then again. those grilled veggies sound like they are dripping in oil..."Grilled Vegetable Salad
    With basil, arugula, beaded oil and grilled pepper coulis "

    Ugh.. looks like I might be stuck with a veggies and goat cheese sandwich ... ugh.
    Maybe that's what I will go for.... so difficult to chose from.

    I'm really wishing they had a simple grilled chicken sandwich/burger.

    If you are concerned with how they prep it, or what they cook it with - Ask and make a request. You can say, no oil or as little as possible used please. This on the side, or swap this side for that, etc. Most places are pretty good with it - unless of course you have a pissy server, lol.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    This is at a brewery?! Girl, use those calories on BEER!

    She cant do that shes pregnant good idea though :)
  • skada682
    I use a book called "Eat this Not That" there are a couple of volumes and they really help with making better choices at mealtimes.:wink:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    This is at a brewery?! Girl, use those calories on BEER!

    She cant do that shes pregnant good idea though :)

    Bummmmer :(