new here and need lots of support

hi guys im emma and new to this have tired lots of diets before but never really found anything i have been able to stick with without getting bored so i need lots of encouragement to start and carry on :)
at the moment i am just charting a week as in my normal week and start to make changes from there
good luck to any one else just starting their journey to a new them too xxx


  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    Good luck on your journey and welcome to MFP. I joined in January and found it a really useful site to manage my calorie intake and help me hit my target.

    Feel free to ad me if you want support and encouragement.
  • Hi, I am new here too and starting a new journey myself. Feel free to add me if you wish

    best of luck
  • vikivikiviki1
    vikivikiviki1 Posts: 2 Member
    good luck:happy:
  • TiffanieRandolph
    TiffanieRandolph Posts: 18 Member
    Best of Luck!!!!! I joined a while back and just started doing it again this month. It is always good to see where you need help first before you just go in and make changes.. You could make the wrong changes that way. Great idea!!!!!! Way to come in with a plan!!! Feel free to add me and I will be sure to give you lots of encouragement and support!!!!!! Even that little kick in the "butt" when need be! Have a great rest of the day! :-)
  • xoTammyox
    xoTammyox Posts: 74 Member
    I can relate. Good luck. Add me if you like.
  • Hi ya ,I'm Denise I have been here on MFP for a few months now . I love it as I had never taken any notice of calories before as I was very fit and active , when this slowed due to health problems along came the over eating .
    I am now aware of what I am eating instead of eating mindlessly and still have a little of what I like so I am not missing out .
    Good luck on your journey :O) feel free to add me .. I come on here daily and leave comments and encourage , as we all need it to keep us going !!