
BamaRose0107 Posts: 635
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been a member of this site for a few months now and love it but there is something that has really gotten to me. I have noticed some people on get very worried and upset about things such as sagging skin, stretchmarks, cellulite ect. I guess it may be because of my experience with weightloss and my positive outlook but I see my weightloss in a different light I guess. I know its hard and we all want to look nice but why worry about these things? They don't make us who we are. The way we look on the outside is just a small part of us. I really wish women expecially could let go of the imperfections. In my experience focusing on these things just discourage me in the long run. I have saggy skin in places, stretchmarks and cellulite but you know I have lost over 100 pounds I did not expect to have the body of a super model. I am proud of what I accomplished and everyone on here should be proud of their accomplishments too. Not because they are getting thinner but because they are getting healthier. Why do women focus so much on outward appearence? Confidence and self-esteem goes so much deeper than what we see in the mirror.

I just hope that one everyone can see themselves as beautiful not just for their appearance but for they are on the inside and for their accomplishments in life.

God Bless


  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I have been a member of this site for a few months now and love it but there is something that has really gotten to me. I have noticed some people on get very worried and upset about things such as sagging skin, stretchmarks, cellulite ect. I guess it may be because of my experience with weightloss and my positive outlook but I see my weightloss in a different light I guess. I know its hard and we all want to look nice but why worry about these things? They don't make us who we are. The way we look on the outside is just a small part of us. I really wish women expecially could let go of the imperfections. In my experience focusing on these things just discourage me in the long run. I have saggy skin in places, stretchmarks and cellulite but you know I have lost over 100 pounds I did not expect to have the body of a super model. I am proud of what I accomplished and everyone on here should be proud of their accomplishments too. Not because they are getting thinner but because they are getting healthier. Why do women focus so much on outward appearence? Confidence and self-esteem goes so much deeper than what we see in the mirror.

    I just hope that one everyone can see themselves as beautiful not just for their appearance but for they are on the inside and for their accomplishments in life.

    God Bless

    nicely put :)
  • Yes, those stretch marks will be a constant reminder of where we were once, and to never go back to the way we were before :) Wear it with pride, i say!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    good point. I know having 2 kids is what caused my stretch marks but that is part of life
  • I understand that we should be thankful but it still kinda sucks to go through all that trouble to have to see the stretch marks and the saggy skin. What I'm worried about is saggy boobs. :blushing: I know I will be proud of myself regardless but I'd like those things to go away. You can't really look sexy with a saggy gut sticking out. :frown: The main goal should be getting healthy and living a longer life.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    I agree. We should be happy with what we accomplish. I weighed 178 as I went in to deliver my son. My body went through such a drastic change. I was 119 when I got preggo and I'm 5'3. Talk about stretching.

    I eventually lost all of it and then some. But, I still get very self concious of the stomach area-- and yes, the boobs. Uggh.

    Sometimes I dream of plastic surgery (i say dream bc I know my chances are slim anyhow). But, I know that it's ridiculous to spend massive amts of money on something like that-- and it's dangerous. I freaked out during an endoscopy this summer-- I can't imagine going through something like plastic surgery!

    Anyway-- kind of ironic that you posted this, I found myself getting kinda depressed today about it. It helps to put a realistic perspective on things. We should be happy with who we are.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I know all about stretchmarks I was 138 when I got pregnant with Rion and I was 210 full term the doctor was worried because my skin was ripping he said I wasn't meant to carry a 9lb baby. I am 5'4... But alot of the girls are right I may be embarassed but my son gave them to me .
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Since my stretch marks were all achieved during pregnancies I look at them as battle scars :tongue:

    As far as the rest, I am with you, if my boobs sag or my arms jiggle or whatever it is a small reminder of where I once was and will never be again....besides, if it bothers anyone bad enough to be willing to have "voluntary" surgery that is your choice, me personally, I made my bed, now I will have to sleep in it, but at least it's a smaller me sleeping in it! :bigsmile:
  • I agree. And congrts on losing so much weight.

    My current career is in the field of treating the skin. I hear complaints about these things all the time. I encourage women to be proud of thier bodies and change things for themselves. The problem arises when they are changing for someone else. They stop looking at thier own beauty and try to project what others want to see. These things can all be handled naturally and healthfully, but most women choose the quick fixes instead.

    I have stretchmarks. My belly looks like freddy crougers face, lol. Whatever. I grew a life in there! I know how to fade them, but I've yet to work on it. Its the last thing on my mind. I'm more concerned with my internal health. My boobs are saggy too. But alot of women have breast cancer. I have to be thankful that I have saggy breasts and I'm not fighting a deadly disease.

    I like that you posted this. :flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My trouble lies in the fact that I ruined my body, and now I have to try to fix what I can, and live with what I can't. It's going to take some getting used to. When I was young I believed I would lose the weight and have a super-awesome-perfect body, then I grew up, and woke up and realized that the damage I've done isn't going to be erased just by losing the weight. It's a tough pill to swallow. The sagging skin is going to be an issue, because that, in and of itself, can cause uncomfortable medical issues that have to be addressed. No one wants to go through 2 years of weight loss only to be faced with the further hardships. I'm looking forward to the END of this process when I can move on to true maintenance...and acceptance.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    My trouble lies in the fact that I ruined my body, and now I have to try to fix what I can, and live with what I can't. It's going to take some getting used to. When I was young I believed I would lose the weight and have a super-awesome-perfect body, then I grew up, and woke up and realized that the damage I've done isn't going to be erased just by losing the weight. It's a tough pill to swallow. The sagging skin is going to be an issue, because that, in and of itself, can cause uncomfortable medical issues that have to be addressed. No one wants to go through 2 years of weight loss only to be faced with the further hardships. I'm looking forward to the END of this process when I can move on to true maintenance...and acceptance.

    i know it can be tough, but learning to love the flaws is super important. it helps when you have someone to remind you as well, my bf loves my belly and its stretchmarks
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I like to think of stretch marks, everything, as unique things about you. I actually like my stretch marks - why? Because it makes my body mine and unique. I have scars and strange birth marks. It's natural. Though I have always been a pretty natural person - I don't wear much make up and have never dyed my hair.

    Just own what you have. Your body is yours and no one else's. It is the little imperfections that make you, you. Those little imperfections are beautiful. :heart:
  • I am glad everyone can be so open. My hope for this post was to maybe just get people to think beyond outward appearance. Congratulations to all of you for making the decision to get healthy.:flowerforyou: It is hard work but it is so worth it.
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